Leo's Wellness Advocate Is Portal for People Starting a Health-Based Business

Site offering opportunities to work from home

New site Leo’s Wellness Advocate offers users the opportunity to start their own business selling health and wellness products while working from home.

The site works with doTerra, which sells essential oils, personal care products and wellness products.

"doTerra's pure essential oils are revolutionizing the way families manage their health. Once you sense the effects and feel the power, as many have, including myself, nothing will ever outweigh the value and the benefits. You will have a clearer, more focused mind, and your body will feel so much better."

Leo Sanders, Owner

Sanders’ site works with doTerra to help people interested in starting a home-based business get started selling the company’s products. Because it combines e-commerce and health and wellness, it’s a strong foundation for a business, Sanders said.

“Home-based businesses, health care, health and wellness and the internet are four of the top growth industries today,” he said. “Combining four huge markets into one opportunity offers unlimited potential for building a sustainable, long-term business.”

The rise of the Internet has shifted power from huge corporations to small entrepreneurs, Sanders said, which makes now the right time to start a business. Choosing the right product to sell, one that has both a large appeal to customers and is high quality, is the key to success.

“You need to align yourself with excellent products, services, and people,” he said. “That’s why I’ve chosen to work for doTerra—it is amazing how well their products work!”

More information is available at http://leoswellnessadvocate.com.