Leola Marketing, Inc. Focuses on Improving Team Building

Leola Marketing, Inc.'s director discussed the firm's plans to improve team building by offering more and different activities to boost team spirit and productivity.

​With a desire to develop a more fruitful and supportive work setting, management at Leola Marketing, Inc. has taken steps to improve the company’s environment through team-building activities. Anne, Leola Marketing, Inc.’s director, said the company leadership believes that a more empowering atmosphere and a more efficient workplace will be cultivated by using these best practices. “Ice breakers and other common activities aren’t enough, we’ve found,” she explained. “Normal group events, like those expensive functions that corporate groups offer, often make personnel uncomfortable. They dread having to partake in them.”

Anne stated that the company’s intent is to create unique activities which bring members together. This will bolster interest, comfort, and aptitude at work. “No one likes to repeat the same activity,” she said. “Trying to make everyone do the same thing isn’t the best method. Someone will be uncomfortable and get nothing from the experience. Because of this, we are changing our approach to these exercises. We are making sure that we respect one another’s boundaries, and appreciate each person’s goals and interests.”

"We want to promote our members' health,"

Anne, Director

Leola Marketing, Inc. Offers Additional and Healthier Options for Team Building Events

In order to realize these goals for team building, Leola Marketing Inc.’s administration planned to offer more options for group events. “We believe that a business should understand the limitations in offering only one or two choices,” said Anne. “When planning activities, best practices dictate that we should offer a variety of opportunities at a variety of times. We will allow some during work hours so that those people with tasks outside of work are not forced to reorder their lives. We will also make sure that we have some events specifically planned for those who need physical assistance and other support. We don’t want anyone to be prevented from participating.”   

“We want to promote our members’ health,” Anne went on. “We will arrange for events that benefit our minds and bodies.” These range from things like volunteering and philanthropic opportunities, to sports and other physical activities. She explained, “Volunteering is mentally and spiritually motivating. It puts individuals in an environment where they work together to help others. That can be very, very satisfying. They get to learn a great deal from each other. Similarly, encouraging members to get up and move their bodies is refreshing. Asking them to connect with one another in order to achieve a physical goal fosters team spirit.”

“All in all,” she concluded, “Leola Marketing, Inc. intends to continue to find fun and useful methods, while applying best practices, to bring our team together. This promotes everyone’s sense of company community.”

About Leola Marketing, Inc.

Leola Marketing, Inc. is an industry-leading interactive sales and promotions firm. Their brand ambassadors offer an innovative form of outreach that successfully drives results for businesses competing in the modern market. Thanks to the team’s ability to establish relationships with consumers, they have driven engagement and repeat business for the products they represent. Their success has allowed them to work with a broad range of companies, including Fortune 500 brands. By infusing their efforts with energy and personality, they have achieved superior returns for the organizations that entrust their growth to Leola Marketing, Inc. To learn more about how they achieve these incredible results, visit leolamarketing-inc.com.