Lenovo Uses noHold's AI to Provide Consumers With a Single Point of Search

Lenovo leverages noHold technology as a way for consumers to find the most relevant answers they need in one place; Single Point of Search.

noHold recently announced the release of a new AI connector that allows for integration with multiple knowledge sources such as Bing, Google, Lithium Communities, and more. This connector is unique because of its ability to pull content from different sources, all within one place; we call this Single Point of Search.

Lenovo, a leader in providing innovative consumer, commercial, and enterprise technology, is one of the first companies to utilize this type of connector. When discussing web self-support, creating a seamless customer experience was a top priority for Lenovo. With the use of noHold’s connector, Lenovo is able to provide users with a sophisticated search experience through one intelligent interface.

"There are three factors that are making the adoption of Single Point of Search critical for companies in the near future: (1) the volume and complexity of content is increasing, (2) the number of repositories for content to be pulled from is growing, and (3) end users are demanding there be one place where they can find exactly what they need. We are pleased to see companies, such as Lenovo, recognizing the need for this type of support and paving the way for others to follow suit."

Diego Ventura, CEO of noHold

As a strategic way to provide a self-service tool that will augment the customers’ experience, Lenovo’s new product portal focused on a few major areas:

  • A cleaner, more concise user interface with simplified navigation.
  • New and updated content was created.
  • The use of a Virtual Assistant to provide a search experience was enabled to provide real-time solutions from 3rd party sources.

According to a recent Forrester study, web self-service has officially surpassed the use of the voice channel for the first time (Forrester’s Top Trends for Customer Service in 2015). As the number of self-service users continues to climb, the self-service technology itself needs to advance as well. Single Point of Search is the start to shifting the way consumers engage with companies. There will no longer be a need to jump from channel to channel to find the answers you need. Customers will have the information that is most relevant to them, with the convenience of accessing it from a single point. 

“There are three factors that are making the adoption of Single Point of Search critical for companies in the near future: (1) the volume and complexity of content is increasing, (2) the number of repositories for content to be pulled from is growing, and (3) end users are demanding there be one place where they can find exactly what they need. We are pleased to see companies, such as Lenovo, recognizing the need for this type of support and paving the way for others to follow suit,” said Diego Ventura, CEO and founder of noHold.

About noHold, Inc.

noHold is a privately held company established in 1999 and is headquartered in Milpitas, CA, USA (Silicon Valley). noHold is the acknowledged leader in Web based Self-service solutions with a mission to deliver real answers to real questions – real fast. Simple to use, easy to implement and as close to human as you can get, noHold turns automated customer support into cognitive customer interactions. noHold customers include Toshiba, Cisco and a host of industry leaders. More information can be found at www.nohold.com.

Press Contact

Veronica Cech

Marketing Associate


408.946.9200 ext. 356

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