LearnLaunch Takes Building Blocks for Equitable Remote Learning National Through a Partnership With Eduscape

Online Planning Framework Designed to Support Equitable Learning

​​LearnLaunch has partnered with Eduscape to offer the Building Blocks for Equitable Remote Learning ™ to districts and schools nationally. Building Blocks is an online planning framework designed by education leaders for education leaders. The framework categorizes the 10 most essential instructional elements for achieving equitable, high-quality teaching and learning amidst the challenges brought about by the pandemic.

The tool allows school and district leaders to engage in a straightforward, streamlined planning process. Within each category, state and national resources have been synthesized and organized to be easily discoverable so educators can quickly find the solutions and resources they need. The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education awarded LearnLaunch a contract to offer critical support, including a series of workshops on Building Blocks, to educators statewide.

Eduscape, one of the leading professional learning organizations in the U.S., will be offering the Building Blocks workshops, districtwide planning and coaching services based on the Building Blocks Framework. Eduscape has already begun discussing this approach with school and district leaders across the United States.

The Building Blocks Framework was developed to help education leaders to develop effective instructional practices in the midst of the chaos brought on by COVID-19. “Our solutions assist educators operating in a hybrid, remote and traditional learning environment. We partnered with Eduscape because of their depth of expertise working with leaders to implement high-quality professional development solutions,” stated Jane Swift, President and Executive Director of LearnLaunch. “We are excited that our partnership will enable us to reach more education leaders and also to aid these leaders post-pandemic with the challenge of mitigating learning loss and building a more equitable, student-centered education system,” said Swift.

The LearnLaunch team that developed Building Blocks comprises an uncommon combination of skills and expertise with unparalleled qualifications to support district and school leaders as they meet the historic challenges necessitated by the onslaught of the COVID-19 virus. Many of the team members have both the breadth of professional experience necessary to have designed an actionable framework and tools, as well as the personal experience as working parents to apply the empathy necessary to the design and delivery process that recognizes the many demands being placed on parents, teachers, students, and administrators. Applying this expertise, they developed an accessible online tool and workshop format for colleagues on the front lines, ensuring equitable teaching and learning continue despite the obstacles in their paths.

The Building Blocks Framework Online Tool was endorsed by ISTE’s “Learning Keeps Going” task force both for the strength of its response to the immediate crisis as well as for the promise it holds to assist educators as they reimagine learning after the pandemic has passed. The 10 Building Blocks present an approach to teaching and learning that is equitable, student-centered and aids in the development of deeper learning for all students.

“Building Blocks is a practical and user-friendly tool to guide education leaders through a thoughtful planning process to support equitable remote learning that addresses critical areas and engages all stakeholders. We are incredibly honored and proud to have been selected as LearnLaunch’s partner in this journey. My team is excited to support implementations with the highest level of efficacy and fidelity,” stated Alex Urrea, Founder and CEO of Eduscape.

Source: Eduscape