LeadNetPro Provides Targeted Keyword Specific Leads for MLM, Network and Direct Sales Marketing

LeadNetPro software will change the way anyone in mlm or network marketing, direct sales or affiliate marketing, will be able to promote products, or services by generating their own leads, never having to purchase leads again.

LeadNetpro is a software and marketing platform, a state of the art in lead extraction software and contact management, including phone broadcast capabilities, that allow the end user to call leads and prospects immediately after collection, right from the same platform.

LeadNetPro software changes the way anyone in mlm or network marketing, will be able to promote products, or services on or off the internet. End users are able to generate and own their own leads lists extracted using specific, targeted key words and market specific locations, end user's input to generate these lists. All lists can be extracted and targeted and include all necessary contact information including mailing address, email address, and business phone numbers, actually provided by the prospects on their very own websites.

End Users will no longer need to purchase or rent lists for one time use, or from outdated or inaccurate lead sources. The end user will have complete control in the extraction, storage and use of their own generated leads lists, and be able to contact these lists immediately within minutes of gathering this information and storing it on their very own web based platform.

To request more information, to reserve a copy or have instant access, please visit: http://www.MLMLeadNetPro.com