Leading Software Maniacs Announces Project Management Tutorial Videos With PM Chalkboard

Learning project management fundamentals has just gotten easier! Leading Software Maniacs has just released an innovative Web site providing fun-filled tutorial videos on project management fundamentals called PM Chalkboard. Each video is designed to

If you are ready to learn project management fundamentals, then we encourage you to check out our new PM Chalkboard, where you can find a variety of innovative and fun video tutorials presented by the Leading Software Maniacs. No matter what type of project management topic you need to learn about, you can get up to speed in approximately 7 minutes. All of these videos are free to watch, you do not have to log in, and we are constantly adding additional instructional videos on their PM chalkboard, so you will want to check back frequently.

The Leading Software Maniacs can also provide you and your company the opportunity to schedule a seminar with them, which will provide you the opportunity to further the education of you and your employees on a variety of project management systems. They provide a variety of one-day seminars, which are led by an experienced instructor in classroom setting. However, they are designed to get your employees out of the office for a day, in order to learn the fundamental skills and concepts that will improve their leadership and execution skills.

By having your employees learn these fundamental project management skills, you can increase productivity, transparency and boost morale within your company. For the maximum effect, you can have the Leading Software Maniacs provide a workshop for a group, company event, and much more. In this manner, you can help your employees to learn new ways to lead software and IT development teams, which will help successfully bring a number of your more complicated projects to completion.

You can also have the Leading Software Maniacs provide you with keynote presentations or webinars as well. They will provide you with the opportunity to present highly focused material, and motivate all of your attendees to broaden their thinking. This will provide them the opportunity to lead their software team, as well as provide innovative solutions for complicated projects. These keynote presentations are centered on the seven deadly habits that ineffective software managers have, as well as the seven successful habits that effective software leaders have.

The Leading Software Maniacs also provide you and your company the opportunity to view a number of books and e-books. Some of the incredible titles that are available are I'm Not God, I'm Just a Project Manager, Principles of Software Development Leadership, Managing Software Maniacs and more. They can also provide you with a number of supplemental learning materials, including background art, newsletters, worksheets and much more.

All of the videos that you can view on the PM chalkboard are fun, interesting, innovative and incorporate superb animation, graphics and sound effects, and best of all they are all free. This will ensure that your managerial staff stays interested, and takes as much away from these project management systems as possible. We encourage you to take advantage of our free videos, which are available at www.leadingswmaniacs.com, or at www.pmchalkboard.com, to see how all of our incredibly easy to understand project management fundamentals are just a click away.

Leading Software Maniacs provides project management and software management training, books, and instruction at Leading Software Maniacs and at PM Chalkboard.

About Leading Software Maniacs

Leading Software Maniacs
Leading Software Maniacs 15617 3rd Drive SE
Bothell, WA
