Launching Yoactiv, the Hyperlocal Activities Platform

Yoactiv, a hyperlocal activities platform to discover activities around , be it Fitness, Yoga, Dance or Sports. Yoactiv covers all aspects of one's activity needs, connecting consumers with service providers who offer training and classes, teams and sports venues.

Yoactiv, a platform to discover activities around you, be it Fitness, Yoga, Dance or Sports. Yoactiv covers all aspects of one’s activity needs, connecting consumers with service providers who offer training and classes, teams and sports venues.

The Indian fitness and wellness industry is currently estimated to be about INR 1 Lakh Crore according a joint study by FICCI and PWC. People are increasingly looking for healthier lifestyle and the rise in the disposable income of the younger generation who constitutes 75% of the population is leading this change.

With the increasing demand for fitness and sports activities the market is also meeting the demand with many new activity centers opening up every month. Yoactiv plans to be the bridge between the consumers and the activity center so that consumers can choose the right place for their fitness needs. The platform not only helps consumers search for the right fitness center but also helps fitness centers managing their clientele.

Yoactiv has started its operations in Bangalore with future plans of expanding to other metro’s in the next one year. Learn more on