Larse Capital Ltd. Website Fraudulently Duplicated

The management of Larse Capital Ltd. issued a statement today that regulators have forced a company to take down their website after fraudulently copying content from the Larse Capital Ltd. site.

In a scheme meant to take advantage of Larse Capital's good name and reputation, the offending company Baxton attempted to pass off web content and functionality as their own. Larse Capital Ltd. intends to defend and protect its intellectual property to the full extent of the law.

Clients are assured that at no time was any personal financial information at risk.  Larse Capital's encrypted servers were not at any time tampered with or breached. Unfortunately, the nature of publicly accessible websites makes it easy for fraudsters to copy sites easily and without immediate detection. Management thanks the cooperation of the various regulatory authorities that were involved with shutting down the offending site.

Larse Capital Ltd. is an innovator in the growing alternative investments market. The business is dedicated to providing private and professional investors with access to the skills of top-notch hedge fund managers, packaged in a wide range of off-the-rack product structures and customized solutions. More information regarding the company can be found on the website

The content of this release does not constitute any financial, business, investment, legal, tax, or accounting advice and as such, you should not make this content the sole basis for any investment decisions made by or on behalf of you, and you are advised to consult the appropriate advisors concerning any potential transactions. Larse Capital Ltd. provides this content based on information which is otherwise widely available and while this content is based upon information that the company considers reliable and attempts to keep current, neither Larse Capital Ltd.  nor any of its managers, staff or subsidiaries have verified this information, nor do they have any responsibility to maintain the content or to supply any corrections or updates concerning this content. By using the content in this release, you expressly acknowledge and agree that the content provided to you is on an as is basis, used at your own risk and shall not be solely relied on by you or your advisors.

Any mention of valuations of securities or other assets held by funds may be estimated, and the securities or other assets may not have a readily ascertainable market price, or may otherwise be difficult to value. Each of the fund administrators use the best and latest available valuations which are unaudited and may be subject to no other verification other than due diligence. Such valuations may relate to a date previous to the net asset value date of the relevant fund. The net asset value performance of a investment fund may not be indicative of how it may perform in the future. The valuation of securities or other assets may fluctuate considerably in the short and long term, and the historic net asset values shown take no account of the costs of realizing some or all securities or other assets.

Past performance is no guarantee to future returns. The value of shares in a fund and the income from them, if any, could fall as well as rise. Investing in any funds involves certain risks, including risks in direct relation to that fund, its shares, underlying funds and the strategies those funds utilize. Because the return and capital appreciation of an investment will fluctuate with changes in market conditions, currency exchange rates and other factors when disposed of, the investment may be worth more or less than their original cost. Investors may also incur sales commissions or fees which may result in
reduced net returns. There are significant risks associated with any investment, and any particular fund may not be suitable for all investors.