Large Pennsylvania Pension Pioneers New Investment Strategy With Etho Capital

County, Pennsylvania selects Etho Capital for Emerging Manager Program. Allocation to Sustainable, Carbon-Efficient Equity ETF Approved.
Etho Capital

​In May 2016, Allegheny County's Executive Board voted to invest a portion of the county's pension fund in a broadly diversified, sustainable and carbon-efficient exchange-traded fund (ETF) known as the Etho Climate Leadership US ETF. Launched in partnership with ETF Managers Group, ETHO capital is illustrating leadership in both performance and sustainability, adding value to the diversified investment strategy of Pennsylvania's second largest county.​

Since its founding over two centuries ago, Allegheny County has been home to numerous industrial and technological innovations. From new methods of industrial manufacturing in the 1800s to pioneering medical and computer science in the 1900s, it has often fostered invention and encouraged bold ideas to become something more. Those same traditions continue today.

"Etho capital believes smart sustainability can drive superior performance, and it is with partners like Allegheny County that allow us to show this strategy is both prudent and innovative"

Conor Platt, CEO

On May 19th, Allegheny County’s Executive Board voted to invest a portion of the county’s pension fund in a broadly diversified, sustainable and carbon-efficient exchange-traded fund (ETF) known as the Etho Climate Leadership US ETF. The ETF is the brainchild of Etho Capital, a Pittsburgh-based investment management firm, and was launched in partnership with ETF Managers Group. It is designed to track Etho Capital’s Climate Leadership Index US, which is an equity index of 400 U.S. companies that exhibit far more carbon efficiency and sustainability than their industry peers.

Year-to-date through the end of May, Etho Capital’s Climate Leadership Index - US has increased 5.44 percent(1), while reducing carbon emissions per dollar invested by an annual average of 60 percent(2). Such performance demonstrates that achieving superior returns and greater sustainability at the same time is entirely possible.

According to Etho Capital’s CEO and co-founder, Conor Platt: “Etho Capital is proud to have Allegheny County investing in the ETHO ETF, which marks true innovation within financial services since it is intended to provide two kinds of quantifiable performance: a significantly lower carbon footprint and solid financial returns. And, it was developed right here in Allegheny County.”

To learn more about Etho Capital, please visit:


About Etho Capital, LLC

Etho Capital is a Pittsburgh-based, active investment manager committed to making sustainable investing mainstream. It uses quantitative carbon emissions data, qualitative screening methods, and sound portfolio construction techniques to generate diversified strategies comprised of only the most carbon-efficient and sustainable companies’ stock. All of Etho

1 Based on the index’s net asset value (NAV). Return analysis provided by MorningstarDirect.
2 Compared to the carbon emissions per dollar invested of the largest 500 US companies by market-cap.

Capital’s investment solutions, whether a broad index or a more concentrated fund, are built to deliver both measurable sustainability benefits and compelling financial returns.

About ETF Managers Group, LLC

ETF Managers Group is a leading Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) private label services company. ETF Managers Group offers a full range of ETF product services to the asset management community including commodity pool ETPs as well as both active and passive ETF funds. The services provided include product operations, regulatory, financial and compliance management. ETF Managers Group offers active marketing and dedicated wholesale services for all ETF product types.

Carefully consider the Funds' investment objectives, risk factors, charges, and expenses before investing. This and additional information can be found in the Fund’s prospectus, which may be obtained by calling 1-844-ETF-MGRS (1-844-383-6377), or by visiting Read the prospectuses carefully before investing.

Investing involves risk, including the possible loss of principal. Shares of any ETF are bought and sold at market price (not NAV), may trade at a discount or premium to NAV and are not individually redeemed from the Fund. Brokerage commissions will reduce returns. Narrowly focused investments typically exhibit higher volatility. The fund is new with limited operating history. Investing involves risks, including loss of principal. Funds that invest in smaller companies may experience greater volatility. The Fund's return may not match or achieve a high degree of correlation with the return of the Etho Climate Leadership Index. To the extent the Fund utilizes a sampling approach, it may experience tracking error to a greater extent than if the Fund had sought to replicate the Index. Diversification does not guarantee a profit, nor does it protect against a loss in a declining market.

A fund’s performance for very short time periods may not be indicative of future performance.

The Fund seeks to provide investment results that, before fees and expenses, correspond generally to the total return performance of the Etho Climate Leadership Index – US (the “Index”). The Fund's return may not match or achieve a high degree of correlation with the return of the Index. To the extent the Fund utilizes a sampling approach, it may experience tracking error to a greater extent than if the Fund had sought to replicate the Index. The Index officially launched November 3, 2015.

The Etho Climate Leadership IndexTM (ECLITM) is an index of more than 350 companies listed on the NYSE Arca stock exchange that have the smallest carbon footprint in their industries. The S&P 500 Index is the Standard & Poor’s composite index of 500 stocks, a widely recognized, unmanaged index of common stock prices. Index performance does not represent fund performance.

The Fund is distributed by ALPS Distributors, Inc., which is not affiliated with ETF Managers Group, LLC or any of its affiliates, Solactive, NYSE Arca, or Penserra Capital Management, LLC.

SDJ000264 Expires 9/30/16

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Source: Etho Capital, LLC

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