Lakeside Events Team is Mexico Bound for R&R Conference

A small contingent from the Lakeside Events team will be heading to Punta Cana, Mexico for an annual Rest and Relaxation conference. The associates selected to attend have demonstrated their ability to meet key milestones. 

“The R&R conference is one of our leading corporate events,” said Ellen Denton, Lakeside Events’ Director of Operations. “It’s a privilege to be selected to attend.” 

"The R&R conference is one of our leading corporate events. It's a privilege to be selected to attend."

Ellen Denton, Director of Operations

As Denton shared, six members of the Lakeside Events team will be joining her in Mexico. “This opportunity is limited to individuals who have qualified through their efforts and goal attainment,” she said. “They are people who effectively recruit and train associates. These individuals also demonstrate a positive attitude and are always willing to learn.” 

Denton described the R&R conference as a mixture of networking, recognition, and rejuvenation. “At this event, we have an opportunity to connect with industry leaders and build our professional networks,” she said. “This is a prime chance for our people to meet other associates from different regions who have demonstrated their dedication to the firm’s values and vision.” 

“At each of these events, top performers are recognized for their hard work, which is quite motivating,” Denton added. “Of course, no one expects us to go to Punta Cana without enjoying some fun in the sun. We’ll stay in luxurious accommodations, enjoy delicious meals together, and play on the beach. It’s the ultimate reward!” 

Lakeside Events’ Director of Operations Describes the Benefits of Corporate Travel 

As Denton explained, travel is one of the perks offered at Lakeside Events. “While the R&R conference is probably the signature event, our people can qualify for other trips throughout the year,” she said. “Some might attend national leadership conferences. Others might be selected for regional training in other cities.” 

“While the chance to go on a trip is tied to goals, the firm and our people benefit from team travel,” Denton explained. “We are able to get to know each other better outside of our office. This helps us form stronger communication bonds as we experience someplace new together.” 

“The additional benefit is the knowledge we acquire from these conferences and trainings can be shared with other associates and implemented in our campaign creations,” Denton added. “This new information often inspires innovation.” 

Denton concluded, “We look forward to this Punta Cana trip and other travel opportunities because we realize how fortunate we are to attend learning and networking events. It really is a positive that adds to our exciting company culture.” 

About Lakeside Events

Lakeside Events’ experts know that growth begins by understanding an audience. Through ongoing analysis of the answers to this question, the team develops campaigns that strengthen customer trust in a brand, elevating it to new heights. Their ongoing result assessments hone their methods over time so that every campaign thrives. Lakeside Events is made up of designers, project managers, analysts, and strategists. They use in-house technology to track each campaign from start-up through execution. Combined with powerful partnerships, this company delivers valuable results for brands. Take a look at what they’re up to next at​


About Lakeside Events

Lakeside Events funnels a stream of new interest in brands by using a unique interactive form of marketing.

Lakeside Events
4141 Rockside Road, Suite 150
Independence, Ohio


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