Laeken International Forms Team Aims To Enhance Global Growth Of Fixed Income Instruments

The Laeken International, a leading commodity futures and brokerage firm with global trading operations, has formed a four-man team to work for the enhancement of its global business growth particularly on fixed income instruments.

The newly hired four industry veterans are expected to add trading expertise across the credit spectrum in the industry. The four were: Peter Hayes, Sarah Perkins, Graham Butler and Willard Wood.

Peter Hayes joined Laeken International in 2006. He previously worked in an international European Bank where he was an Immediate Supervisor of the Bank's high yield proprietary portfolio on the high yield desk. In his new job assignment, Hayes will be doing a dual role as a Trading Desk Analyst and as a high yield salesman. He will be based in Chicago. Hayes spent 16 years of financial service experience mostly in high yield research covering various industries, with his latest focus on the consumer products sector.

Sarah Perkins and Graham Butler have been hired by Laeken International as high yield traders for New York office. Perkins joined Laeken International in 2005. She was previously with Bear Stearns where she was assigned on high yield cash and credit default swaps. She started his career at Barclays in high yield consortium before transforming into high yield trading. Graham Butler was also a previous portfolio manager at Bear Stearns where he worked on the buy side of the high yield sector of its asset management division. He also spent 10 years on the trading desk of Bear Stearns as head of high yield traders. He joined Laeken International in 2004.

Willard Wood also joined Laeken International in 2003. Previously, he was an Executive Director of the Fixed Income Sales Group of UBS, concentrating on the investment grade and high yield credit. He will be assigned in New York as Senior Sales Trader of Fixed Income. He started his career at Morgan Stanley as financial and credit analyst.

"We have been motivated in expanding our international capabilities in the sales of fixed income instruments over the first few months since it was introduced to global clients and with the addition of the newly hired four senior traders, we are expecting this service to bloom globally," affirmed Sebastian Pacey, Laeken International Chief Executive Officer. "Their combined expertise and experience will significantly enhance our new trading division."