L. Murphy's New Book 'The Unwanted Wife' is a Heart-Wrenching Tale That Will Captivate Readers From Start to Finish

Fulton Books author L. Murphy, an outdoor enthusiast who came from a big rambunctious family, has completed her most recent book "The Unwanted Wife": an engrossing novel where the main couple was bound by their duties, responsibilities, and egos. Brooke Robinson, a woman with low self-esteem was thrown into a marriage of convenience with a multi-billionaire self-made man, Landon Campbell. Their story is about outgrowing their prejudice against each other and nurturing the blossoming affection they've been trying to ignore.

Murphy shares, "Brooke

The day my dad told me he had arranged a marriage for me was the best day of my life.

I did not know it at the time. At the time, 'I've arranged for you to marry Landon Campbell,' were the most terrifying words of my life. I did not know who this Campbell guy was, and he certainly did not know me. Even still, those eight simple words also gave me hope. Anything was better than staying with my father—even a marriage formed from blackmail, secrets, and lies.


Connor Robinson thinks he has won now that he has got me trapped in a marriage with his wisp of a daughter. Granted, he did manage a solid contract that I do not see a way out of anytime soon. A baby! My goodness, not only that, but a son! What is this, eighteenth-century England? Who requires a baby as a stipulation for divorce? He will win this battle, but it will be a cold day in hell before he ever sees a dime of my money. My companies will still run strong, and my name is still valuable. If he thinks he can use his daughter to get to me, he has got another thing coming. I will win in the war in the end."

Published by Fulton Books, L. Murphy's book is a fast-paced read with the perfect balance of angst and romance.

With only less than a hundred pages, this short read can be done in one sitting.

Readers who wish to experience this intriguing work can purchase "The Unwanted Wife" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes and Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books