KRYLEX KURA-LOW Technology Chemistry Platform Enabling Paradigm Shift for the Assembly of Consumer Electronic Devices.

KURA-LOW™ Technology allows for variable curing formats to suit specific manufacturing needs.
Camera Module Elements

Chemence Performance Materials research scientists are committed to solving next-generation bonding challenges for Electronics Device Assembly. This corporate commitment to being a solution provider for the industry has led to the development of a new chemistry platform, KURA-LOW™, available in some KRYLEX adhesive formulations.

Thermal budget is a critical concern when assembling electronic sensors, displays and enclosures. The ability to reduce thermal excursions to elevated temperatures makes both the assembly process more robust and helps maintain the integrity and reliability of the electronic system or device. Existing competitive adhesive systems typically require 'high' process temperatures or must be supplied in a two-component format, which brings additional limitations to device assembly and reliability.

KURA-LOW™ Technology enables high bonding performance at thermal cure temperatures as low as 60C, all while being supplied in a highly RT stabilized, one-part, pre-mixed formula. The highly stabilized resin system enables RT stability anywhere between 3-5 days, or up to 6 weeks, depending on the product formula.

KURA-LOW™ Technology is available in multiple curing formats:

  • Dual cure format, UV + Heat, for KRYLEX industry-leading products for Camera module Active Alignment and Lens bonding applications. 
  • Thermal Cure-only system, for structural bonding applications, e.g., OLED Display, enclosure bonding, etc.
  • Snap Cure, for applications demanding in-line processing.

KURA-LOW™ offers customers high levels of adhesion and reliability to common consumer electronic plastics and metals, often outperforming competitive solutions cured at higher temperatures. For detailed cure comparison data, please visit 

"KURA-LOW™ Technology is a significant innovation that is enabling our customers to achieve previously unmet levels of performance," explained Jeff Roberson, Company President at Chemence. "Our Research scientists have created a technology that delivers best-in-class work life (RT stability), dispensing, low-temperature curing (60C) and reliability performance. Working on this technology with our large global customers has given us a true insight in the value our technology is delivering. In addition to the tangible process and performance benefits of the technology, the highly stabilized system is also offering sustainability efficiencies through the use of lower cure temperatures and reduced storage conditions, for instance, no requirement for high energy usage -40C storage."

Target Electronics Applications for KURA-LOW™ Technology:

  • Camera Module (Active Alignment/ Lens Bonding/ Lens to Barrel).
  • Sensor bonding.
  • Structural Assembling of temperature-sensitive metals and plastics.
  • OLED Display Assembly.
  • Magnet Bonding.
  • Battery Bonding.
  • FPC Re-enforcement.
  • Micro Speaker Assembly.
  • Enclosure Bonding.
  • Wearable Electronics.
  • Soft Goods and fabric bonding.

For more information on KURA-LOW™ Technology and KRYLEX products contact Paul Gleeson @

Source: Chemence Performance Materials

About Chemence Inc.

Chemence® stands for the chemistry of excellence™. We are pioneers in creating solutions through specialty chemicals for our customers. We have corporate offices near Atlanta, Georgia and London, England along with sales offices and manufacturing locations around the world allowing us to become reliable partners for our customers on every level. Whether it be topical skin adhesives in the medical market, structural adhesives for the consumer electronics industry or super glue for your home we pride ourselves on being thought leaders who help fulfill our customers’ brand promise through market defining innovations and products. Quite simply, we create bonds that last.

Chemence Inc.
1121 Alderman Drive
Alpharetta, GA
