Krista Mashore Has Been Recognized Among the Top in Her Industry by the Expert Network©

The Expert Network© celebrates its newest member, Krista Mashore

Krista Mashore, Broker & Owner, Homes by Krista, has joined The Expert Network©, an invitation-only service for distinguished professionals. Ms. Mashore has been chosen as a Distinguished Real Estate Professional™ based on peer reviews and ratings, dozens of recognitions, and accomplishments achieved throughout her career.

Ms. Shields outshines others in her field due to her numerous awards and recognitions, and outstanding customer service. A knack for marketing, a devotion to serving others, an outstanding work ethic and a longtime passion for education are the hallmarks of Krista Mashores’ real estate career.  Krista has earned herself a spot among the top 1% of REALTORS® nationwide and continues to be in the top .01% in her County year after year.

"I love being able to educate clients and to help people. It's about the person, not the money. Around our office we say, 'People before things,' and we know that as long as we're taking great care of people, the best will come."

Krista Mashore, Broker & Owner, Homes by Krista

Krista sold 144 homes in 2016, a figure approximately 10 times that of the average California agent. “I want to continue to serve my clients and be the best I can be for them,” she says, surpassing her nearest competitor in East County by over 50% in Units.

As early as her first days in the business and now, Krista, a Listings Specialist, applies groundbreaking techniques to real estate marketing and business development. “I’ve always been an early adopter, I pour myself into my career and do as much education and research as I can in order to stand out,” says Krista, who at the time already held both a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree. “I’ve done things differently than other agents for a long time, marketing from the ground up and staying ahead of the curve. Instead of growing frustrated with technology, I embrace it, educate myself regularly and implement what I learn. I thrive on giving my clients what, unfortunately, most fail to. I run my business like a business, not a part-time hobby.”

Her multiple designations and her consultative approach to client relations prove that, if there’s something to learn, Krista will embrace it. Fortunately, she doesn’t keep her education to herself; “I’m in the process of developing a training program for real estate agents around the country,” she says, explaining that in 2016 she conducted a webinar for 44,000 REALTORS® on the topic of online marketing. After all, she says it’s more important now than ever for buyers and sellers to hire experienced, trained agents. “The more every agent knows, the better off every client and agent will be,” she says. “And the better job each agent does with marketing and selling homes, the better we all do.”

Krista places such great importance on marketing that she has two full-time staff members dedicated to marketing, to include a digital marketer and a marketing specialist. She also hires specialists that help her optimize the various Social Media platforms to target market to the masses. “I market my homes as if every home is a million dollar listing or more,” says Krista, noting that every house gets the full package, whether priced at $500,000 or $1 million plus. Before a home is listed, Homes by Krista pays for basic staging and provides a digital marketing platform that continues to be refined. “Our digital marketing gets the maximum exposure with SEO techniques and enhanced online placements. We’re also doing target marketing and text-message marketing. We create Specific Landing Pages to attract buyers in a unique manner.” From professional photography, videography and drone photography; the team then produces property-specific websites and four-page color brochures.

All of this effort helps Krista achieve her primary goal: happy clients. “I love being able to educate clients and to help people,” she says. “It’s about the person, not the money. Around our office we say, ‘People before things,’ and we know that as long as we’re taking great care of people, the best will come.” Having sold more than 1,700 homes, Krista’s vast experience enables her to be proactive, not reactive, during each transaction. “I’ve been in this business more than 16 years and closed so many deals that I know what can go wrong!” Krista says with a self-deprecating laugh. She and her team create the best possible outcomes with the utmost professionalism. Clients notice, telling Krista that the experience of working with her is smoother and more enjoyable than they expected. As a result, clients spread the word about Homes by Krista as can be seen from the mass amount of reviews she has on-line.

And despite how busy she is as a top agent and mother of two teenagers, Krista still devotes energy to supporting the community. As a former teacher, children hold a special place in her heart; she contributes a good deal of time and treasure to the schools’ various programs and scholarship funds. Her new endeavor Teens Lifting Lives, is especially rewarding to her. “I want to keep helping people however I can, but nothing is as dear to me as working with the teens in my motivational group. It reminds me of my previous teaching days and I get a kick out of it” she says, echoing a running theme behind her success.

For more information, visit Ms. Mashore's profile on the Expert Network here:

For more information about Krista Mashore, visit, email or call 925-325-4663.

The Expert Network© has written this news release with approval and/or contributions from Krista Mashore. The Expert Network© is an invitation-only reputation management service that is dedicated to helping professionals stand out, network, and gain a competitive edge. The Expert Network selects a limited number of professionals based on their individual recognitions and history of personal excellence.

Source: The Expert Network©

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