Komprehensiv Shares Wisdom Regarding new SEER Ratio
Phoenix, Arizona, June 12, 2015 (Newswire.com) - The U.S Department of Energy (DOE) has recently passed legislation requiring a minimum Seasonal Energy Efficiency (SEER) Regulation of 14. The regulation is aimed solely at manufactures and it may benefit the consumer, especially those on a budget.
A SEER rating is a measurement of your AC’s efficiency. It measures the amount of cool air expended relative to the amount of energy used. Essentially, it is to your air-conditioning as miles per gallon is to your car, and the higher the number the more efficient the unit. Although the new minimum requirement is 14, some units available to consumers boast SEER ratings as high as 20. What’s more, this technology has existed for quite some time.
"We are not surprised with the DOE's regulation and we saw it coming a mile away. We encourage all our customers to opt for a high efficiency unit in order keep their energy bills down, and optimize solar panel technology. The future of energy does not depend solely on renewable energy, but the utilization of the fifth renewable resource which is simply using less."
“We are not surprised with the DOE’s regulation and we saw it coming a mile away. We encourage all our customers to opt for a high efficiency unit in order keep their energy bills down, and optimize solar panel technology. The future of energy does not depend solely on renewable energy, but the utilization of the fifth renewable resource which is simply using less.”
Indeed, the Komprehensiv solution involves reducing in order to produce. In other words, running a home at optimal efficiency is the key to maximizing solar panel effectiveness. Consumers can expect lower energy bills, a cleaner conscious, and a greener bank account. That is why going green is not what it seems. Indeed, those forward looking individuals are reaping the benefits of lower energy bills.
It is generally agreed upon by scholars, politicians, and policy makers that a shift towards clean, renewable energy is inevitable. Costa Rica, Iceland, and Paraguay, have already accomplished the transition, operating on 100% renewable resources. What’s more, powerhouse countries like Germany are operating on 50% solar as we speak. America is operating somewhere around 20%, but, America is also one of the largest manufacturing countries in the world, which necessitates the use of fossil fuels for the time being. Not far behind is China, who have only recently joined the global pledge to reduce carbon emissions.
Regardless of global economics, the Komprehensiv solution is about saving energy and money, today. By offering energy efficient modifications alongside solar panels, Komprehensiv is well equipped to save the planet one house at a time.
Contact Information
Mike Janzen
Angela Gray, Production Coordinator