Kimberly's New Book 'Evening Fall' is a Riveting Page-Turner That Explores the Lengths a Mother Would Be Willing to Go for the Sake of Her Children

Kimberly, a health care professional and first-time author, has completed her most recent book "Evening Fall": a suspenseful thriller set against the backdrop of a mother's need to protect her children.

Kimberly writes, "Karen Miller—a sister, a wife, and a mother of two. Traveling alone at night with her two small children, trying to get to her dying mother that lived in North Carolina, they became stranded on an open highway. Their cell phones and tablets needed to be charged. The car charger was thrown out by mistake at a rest area forty-five miles behind them, and the mother did the unthinkable to save her own son's life while trying to get to her dying mother. Will a stranger help them, or is there someone hiding in the woods as the dim part of twilight came before the dark of night?"

Published by Fulton Books, Kimberly's book imagines what a mother might have to do if she were thrust into a terrifying situation where pressure-packed decision-making is unavoidable. Her courage, strength of will, and toughness of mind steadily come to the forefront as the story unfolds.

Readers who wish to experience this enthralling work can purchase "Evening Fall" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes and Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Gregory Reeves via email at or via telephone at 877-210-0816.

Source: Fulton Books