Kimberly Greenwell Receives Endorsement from International Union of Operating Engineers Local No. 181
Online, December 10, 2009 ( - Louisville, KY- Kimberly Greenwell, candidate for state representative in the 33rd House District, received another union nod with the endorsement of the International Union of Operating Engineers Local No. 181.
The International Union of Operating Engineers agrees Greenwell is the candidate who will represent working families. "It is time for a change in the 33 District and after speaking with Kimberly, I know she will work hard to represent working families and their issues," said John Brothers, President of Local No. 181,District No. 3.
Greenwell has also received endorsements from United Association of Plumbers, Pipefitters and Service Technicians Local 502, Teamsters Local 783 and Teamsters Local 89.
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