KidsEmail Announces Partnership to Increase Online Safety for Children

Digital Protection Package helps parents keep kids safe online this holiday season

KidsEmail announced today a partnership with Frienedy, Cyberwise and Pocket Guardan to assemble a package of resources to help families manage kids tech usage at every age and stage. 

"We are extremely excited about our partnership with PocketGuardian, Frienedy and Cyberwise.  Each have created an amazing tools that help in keeping kids digital interactions safe so potential problems can be identified and parents alerted." said Kids Email Founder Jacob Andersen.

"We are extremely excited about our partnership with PocketGuardian, Frienedy and Cyberwise. Each have created an amazing tools that help in keeping kids digital interactions safe so potential problems can be identified and parents alerted."

Jacob Anderson, Found of Kids Email

"Frienedy is proud to join forces with PocketGuardian, Kids Email, and Cyberwise to create a powerful protection package of the best products in the market that empower families and schools to raise children to be safe and smart in today's virtual social world", says Frienedy CEO and Co-Founder Janel Patterson.

"We are excited to offer families this package of online safety products that, when used together, keep kids of all ages and stages safe and productive online," comments CyberWise Co-founder, Cynthia Lieberman.  "What better gift to give kids during the high-tech holiday season than the gift of online safety and protection?"

The Digital Protection Package consists of services suitable for kids of all ages: safe e-mail service designed to protect kids, private group networking social media application, privacy centered parental monitoring, and Cyber Civics education for schools.  In addition, each service is offered at a substantial discount.

"The Cyber Civics™ in-school, turnkey, digital citizenship and literacy program is actually an ideal "protection package" for schools.  By teaching students how to be responsible, ethical and empowered digital citizens, they learn how to use best safety product in the world—the one between their ears," comments CyberWise Co-founder and Founder of Cyber Civics, Diana Graber.

"We are stronger when we work together,” said James Ryan, Co-Founder of PocketGuardian.  "This is why PocketGuardian is excited to partner with Kids Email, Frienedy, and CyberWise.  We believe the Digital Protection Package is the best way to provide a safer and more manageable environment for parents and children in this digital age.”

We’ve made it EASY for parents and grandparents to give the gift of protection to the families (and schools!) they love by following these three easy steps:

Join It’s free!

Type in “Protection Package” to find the Holiday Family Protection Package "Wishlist" we’ve made just for you.

Make a family’s or child’s digital wish come true by choosing one or all of the protection products for free or at a substantial discount.

About KidsEmail .org

Launched in 2009, is a safe email service designed to protect kids ages 4 to 12 from Internet dangers including cyberbullying, pornography, predators, and email from strangers. The service allows kids to only send emails to and receive emails from people on their contact list while also allowing parents to monitor email conversations.  

About Frienedy

Frienedy is the first private group networking social media application that is compliant with COPPA, making it suitable for users of all ages. By organizing friends, family and all of your contacts into "Groups", Frienedy enables users to be selective about what they share and with whom they share it.  

About PocketGuardian

PocketGuardian™ is the 1st parental monitoring service to keep parent's actively aware of their child's
digital footprint while maintaining their privacy.  Parents receive notification when cyberbullying or sexting are detected, plus resources to start a conversation with their child.  V

About CyberWise: No Grownup Left Behind!

CyberWise is dedicated to providing busy parents and teachers with the resources they need to help young people navigate the digital world safely and wisely. Our research-based materials, online courses, videos, presentations, and curriculum encourage the integration of digital citizenship and literacy in school, the home and workplace.  

About Cyber Civics: Digital Media Literacy Program for Schools

Cyber Civics™ is an in-school program that meets an urgent and growing need to prepare middle school students with the skills they need to become ethical, confident, and empowered digital citizens. This comprehensive program includes easy-to-use weekly lessons, resources, video, and ongoing support for educators, making it simple to teach. Cyber Civics includes lessons in Digital Citizenship, Information Literacy, and Media Literacy, and is now being taught in 16 states with impressive results. 

About Kids Email

Kids Email

Shelley, ID
