Khine Marketing Solutions, Inc. and Networking

Khine Marketing Solutions, Inc.' leadership touts the benefits of attending networking events and conferences. Participating in these functions furthers team members' knowledge and the company's visibility.

​The firm’s leaders and top performers attended an industry gathering in September. It was held at the DFW Lakes Hilton in Dallas, Texas. The Khine Marketing Solutions, Inc. team invests in these top leaders meetings for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the opportunity to network.

Irene, director of operations for the company, shared her view on networking. She stated, “We see engaging with others as a basic duty for our people. There are countless benefits ranging from increased knowledge to growing our customer base. All companies strive to be stable. Participating in such events supports growth for our business and our people.”

"Whether we take part in a conference as presenters or as attendees, we network with all groups in the crowd,"

Irene, Director of Operations

Effective business networking requires more than going to these meetings, however. Team members must stand out as expert agents of the company and as authorities in their field. “We want our people to be active. They lecture, join committees, and become board members and officers of the body. Through this participation, Khine Marketing Solutions, Inc. becomes more visible and our skills better known,” Irene notes.

There are many ways to identify likely sources of business. Not all methods produce results, though. Irene explained, “We don’t believe in the old scattershot approach to drawing business. Members of professional groups care about the industries and growing their businesses. These are more solid connections than any wide-net strategy can produce. Events bring together both vendors and customers who can help each other.”

There are many other openings to promote and grow a business through networking. As the director of operations noted, “When our pros get to know others in the group, anything is possible. Their discussions are not limited to leads. They also consider joint ventures and partnerships, and share information. They even make suggestions for problem solving. Business associates assist each other by making introductions to people in their range of contacts.”

Networking is not about selling a product or service to a captive audience. “The most important aspect of growing a business is building relationships. Our specialists have benefited from friendships with others in the same field.”

Khine Marketing Solutions, Inc. Derives Benefits From Attending Conferences

Conferences serve several functions. They provide forums for gaining insight and knowledge from industry experts. They also offer ongoing networking and bring together vendors and consumers. “Whether we take part in a conference as presenters or as attendees, we network with all groups in the crowd,” Irene declared.

“Not all conference sessions are valuable or useful,” observed the Khine Marketing Solutions, Inc. director. “No company has unlimited funds to send its people to conferences. That’s why we research upcoming events to decide which ones will be the most beneficial.”

The company also makes best use of sending team members to conferences by having them share information and materials with their colleagues after their return to the office. Irene concluded, “It’s as if we only registered a few people but sent the whole team.”

About Khine Marketing Solutions, Inc.

Khine Marketing Solutions is a leader in the consulting and marketing services industry dedicated to offering advanced solutions to clients looking to expand their market base. Utilizing innovative communication methodology, the firm uses innovative advertising to produce impressive and immediate results. Its brand ambassadors identify innovative consumer incentives and exclusive promotional campaigns that create meaningful connections between businesses and their clients, and increase brand exposure. Having a long established history of success and flexibility has allowed the firm to gain the trust of both startups and Fortune 500 clients. To learn more about the innovative advertising solutions offered by Khine Marketing Solutions, visit