Kevin Rudd's Carbon Tax Will Continue To Cost Holt Families

Kevin Rudd is keeping Julia Gillard's Carbon Tax. He is changing the name and floating the price one year earlier, but it will continue to rise even higher than it is today. Calling it a fixed or floating price, it's still a Carbon Tax and Au


Kevin Rudd's Carbon Tax will continue to cost the average household across Holt thousands of dollars as it continues to go up and up said Ricardo Balancy Liberal Candidate for Holt.

Kevin Rudd is keeping Julia Gillard's Carbon Tax. He is changing the name and floating the price one year earlier, but it will continue to rise even higher than it is today.

For the average household it will cost more than $3,000 over the six years from mid-2014. A one year discount will be completely wiped out as the price hits $38 a tonne.

Calling it a fixed or floating price, it's still a Carbon Tax and Australian households will continue to pay higher electricity and gas prices every year.

The Carbon Tax went up another five per cent on 1 July this year which our Labor MP Anthony Byrne voted for.

It will stay at that higher rate for another year, putting further pressure on the cost of living and making Australian business uncompetitive.

Julia Gillard's Carbon Tax was a $64 billion tax, costing Australian jobs. Kevin Rudd's Carbon Tax is a $58 billion tax.

Having finally conceded that the Carbon Tax is hurting Australian families and destroying jobs, why is Kevin Rudd still keeping it and Anthony Byrne supporting it?

There will be a clear choice at this election.

More of Kevin Rudd's Carbon Tax or a Coalition Government which will scrap the Carbon Tax lock, stock and barrel said Ricardo Balancy.

Our community deserves better than the policy chaos of Labor. Mr Rudd needs to stop the game playing and call an election now, so there can be stability and a clear direction for the country.

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