Kenneth Stanford's New Book, 'Watchman! Watchman! What of the Night?' is an Impelling Book That Primarily Deals With a Brief Exposition of the Book of Revelation

Recent release 'Watchman! Watchman! What of the Night?' from Covenant Books author Kenneth Stanford is an interesting tome that deals primarily with great Tribulation Period (GTP), which is fast approaching, and which, according to available information carefully analyzed, through much prayer.

Kenneth Stanford has worked in the civil engineering and mining industry for many years, was a hobbyist beekeeper, and an avid Bible reader. He has now completed his new book, “Watchman! Watchman! What of the Night?”:  a soul-refreshing book that endeavors to provide a brief exposited answer based on the words uttered by the Watchman on the near-future events that will come upon to earth as portrayed in the book of revelation.

Kenneth writes, “The title Watchman! Watchman! What of the Night? was selected based on the soon-to-unfold Great Tribulation Period (GTP). The purpose of the title is to attract interest in the reply that the watchman gave: ‘I see the dawn coming, and also a Night!’ It is this approaching ‘Night’ that the watchman saw—which represents the judgments of God and the wrath of man that will unfold during the GTP. In essence, the GTP will last for seven years— ‘the last week’ in Daniel’s prophecy that concludes ‘the 367 weeks’ upon the Children of Israel. There is a strong indication that ‘this Night,’ which horrified the watchman, is likely to commence anytime between mid-2023 AD and mid-2025 AD.

You can follow my deliberations in this regard in this second book; however, there is also complementary information in Who’s Paying Attention? Please refer.”

Published by Covenant Books of Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, Kenneth’s new book will assist the reader in obtaining a vivid picture as to why the authors understanding of Revelation flows along the lines that he has presented.

This book portrays a question and an answer by the Watchman; this also reminds everyone to be aware of the reason that evil abounds upon the face of the earth in many varied forms.

Readers can purchase “Watchman! Watchman! What of the Night?” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble.

Covenant Books is an international Christian owned and operated publishing house based in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. Covenant Books specializes in all genres of work which appeal to the Christian market. For additional information or media inquiries, contact Covenant Books at 843-507-8373 when calling from the USA and 001-843-507-8373 when calling from outside the USA.   

Source: Covenant Books

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