Keith Magness: New Orleans Property Insurance Issues Loom Years After Hurricane Katrina

Years after the destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Louisiana residents affected by the damage continue to seek retribution from insurance companies. As many hope for settlements in approaching months, Attorney Keith Magness expands on t

Although recent weather headlines have focused on the damage caused by Hurricane Isaac, many Americans responded to the severe storm by reflecting on the destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. While the event occurred approximately seven years ago, a recent article from The Times-Picayune reveals that many Louisiana residents are still in litigation talks in hopes of receiving payment from home insurance providers. The article states, "The board of the state-run property insurer of last resort instructed its attorneys Thursday to explore settlement talks with lawyers for two separate class action lawsuits that were filed after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005." While the prolonged settlement may seem surprising to some homeowners, Louisiana-based attorney Keith Magness explains that the response is not uncommon.

Experienced in a variety of practice areas, Keith Magness is an insurance law professional who has witnessed continued struggles over the destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina. Although areas like New Orleans have continued to rebuild, the article notes that those seeking retribution from the damage have faced continuous opposition from one insurance provider in particular. The article states that lawyers involved in the lawsuit have indicated that "the plaintiffs in that case should get $3,000 to $5,000 each." The reason behind the claims stems from allegations provided by the lawsuit that the insurance provider "failed to properly send out adjusters to review damage claims in the weeks after the 2005 hurricanes."

Noting that insurance companies can often be difficult to deal with following a large-scale disaster, Keith Magness explains that it is essential that all homeowners make sure to record everything relating to property damage. In an effort to help individuals avoid situations similar to the aforementioned litigation, Keith Magness advises, "When dealing with a disaster related or any other insurance claim, it is important for claimants to keep a detailed diary that explains who they spoke to, when, how they talked to the person, witnesses to conversations and details of what was discussed. Such information will prove invaluable should disputes later arise, or in support of a claim for bad faith handling of the insurance adjustment."


A Louisiana-based lawyer, Keith Magness is the founder of the Law Office of Keith L. Magness, LLC. As an attorney, Magness provides legal assistance in numerous practice areas, including criminal defense, family law, contract disputes, estate planning, and automotive accidents. Prior to entering law school, Keith Magness was a Military Police Officer in the United States Marine Corps Reserve and was based in New Orleans, Louisiana. Today, he continues to uphold the laws set forth by the United States government by representing his clients.

For more information about Keith Magness and his practice, visit