Julie A. Fleming, Founder of the Purple Sherpa, Joins InvestAcure, PBC Advisory Board

Julie A. Fleming, Founder of the Purple Sherpa

InvestAcure, PBC announced today that Julie A. Fleming, founder of the Purple Sherpa, a leading nonprofit Alzheimer’s and dementia caregiver support organization, has joined the InvestAcure, PBC advisory board.

The InvestAcure online investment platform brings together spare change investors to power the search for an Alzheimer's cure, by investing money in clinical trials and testing. Fleming has joined the advisory board to utilize her background as a caregiver advocate to create positive social change and help find a cure for this incurable disease.

We can't afford to sit idly by as research for a cure is stalled by a profit-driven agenda. With InvestAcure, we have a real solution to speed the path to a cure, by transitioning ownership of companies spearheading research from profit-motivated investors to millions of spare change investors who are committed to science-driven research.

Julie A. Fleming , Founder of the Purple Sherpa

With a network of close to 60,000, the Purple Sherpa encourages, educates and supports dementia family care-partners and caregivers so that they can live well while caring for their loved one. The group’s private Facebook page provides members with a non-judgmental, caring online support community where they can feel safe in sharing their personal stories and receive “been there, done that” advice, in real time.

Fleming decided to join the InvestAcure effort “because we caregivers can’t afford to sit idly by as research for a cure is stalled by a profit-driven agenda. With InvestAcure, we have a real solution to speed the path to a cure, by transitioning ownership of companies spearheading research from profit-motivated investors to millions of spare change investors who are committed to science-driven research.”

For additional information about InvestAcure, PBC, visit www.investacure.com or email info@inverstacure.com. For information about Julie A. Fleming and the Purple Sherpa, visit www.thepurplesherpa.org.

About Julie A. Fleming 

Julie Fleming practiced law for over a decade, with an emphasis on patent litigation, before founding the legal business development consultancy Fleming Strategic. More recently, Julie cared for her father, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia, until his death in 2017. Julie traveled through the all-too-familiar stages of “doing it all” by herself before realizing that such an undertaking was unsustainable. When she began seeking resources, she discovered the void in support for the dementia family caregiver. After tremendous amounts of research as well as trial and error in caring for her father, Julie began floating trial balloons on the internet, building the community and sharing the insight and resources she wished she’d had access to. Julie’s effort met with a groundswell of interest. Thousands of caregivers from across the country and around the world enthusiastically embraced Julie’s efforts, and The Purple Sherpa was born.

About InvestAcure, PBC

InvestAcure enables those impacted by Alzheimer's to partner in the search for a cure by rounding up day-to-day transactions and investing the spare change in clinical stage pharmaceuticals working on promising drugs. This helps transition investment leadership from a narrow group of high-risk investors to a much larger and stable investment base, leading to more clinical trials, more drugs and drug combinations tested and progress to a cure. 

Source: InvestAcure, PBC

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