Judge Don Lowery Challenges Mark Kirk Illinois, The Incumbent "RINO"

The Republican Mark Kirk, an Illinois Representative and R.I.N.O. (Republican In Name Only) one of only 8 House Republicans who voted for Cap and Trade, and the Reckless TARP bill, is being challenged by Judge Don Lowery a fiscal conservative.

rue Conservative Judge Don Lowery Challenges Mark Kirk Illinois, Incumbent "RINO" In Republican Party.

The Illinois Senate primary is Tuesday, February 2nd

The Republican front runner is Mark Kirk, an Illinois Representative and R.I.N.O. (Republican In Name Only) one of only 8 House Republicans who voted for Cap and Trade, and the Fiscal Reckless TARP bill, is being challenged by Judge Don Lowry a Fiscal Conservative and Constitutional Law Professor and is the Peoples choice to battle the Washington Train wreck that Mark Kirk has helped create.

Mark Kirk voted not only for the TARP bailouts yet is running on a platform to stop run away spending in Congress, the contradiction to his voting record and educational training is embarrassing. He considers himself a "Moderate Republican", which is as clear as a "Conservative Marxist"

Mark Kirk's Bio

Kirk is one of the dwindling number of moderate Republicans from suburban districts left in a chamber that used to be full of them. And he won't be around for long: He's running for Barack Obama's old Senate seat Now in his fifth term, Congressman Kirk is a member of the powerful House Appropriations Committee and is co-chairman of the moderate GOP Tuesday Group and the bipartisan House US-China Working Group. B.A. from Cornell. He holds a Masters Degree from the London School of Economics and a law degree from Georgetown. (London School of Economics which was founded 1895 by four idealistic young Fabians for the "betterment of society".

The Fabian Society is a British intellectual socialist movement, whose purpose is to advance the principles of social democracy via gradualist and reformist, rather than revolutionary, means. (This is different from the Cloward-Pivan and Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals techniques) George Soros is one of the most famous Economic Terrorist to graduate from LSE.

The Young Fabians were instrumental in the rise of the Progressive Movement at the turn of the last Century and gave us some of the most Marxist political policies such as the Progressive Income Tax, Social Security, Medicare, the United Nations, and the Federal Reserve Bank.

Judge Lowery Bio

Meanwhile, the majority of Tea Party and Patriots in Illinois have Vetted Judge Don Lowery as the "We The People" candidate in opposition Mark Kirk Progressive style voting resulting in over $79600 in campaign contributions from the "bailout 30" since the signing of the TARP

Judge Lowery commenced his college degree in 1970 after returning from a tour of duty in Viet Nam with the U. S. Army. He completed his Bachelor of Science in Economics at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. He was honored with the Wall Street Journal Outstanding Student in Economics Award his senior year at SIUC taught an adult education class in constitutional law for Southeastern Illinois College. Judge Lowery served as a Circuit Court Judge in the First Judicial Circuit of Illinois. He was elected in 1980 as a Resident Circuit Judge of Pope County.

His assignments as a Judge included the southernmost nine counties of the First Judicial Circuit as well as assignments to Chicago. During one eight-month assignment in Chicago, Judge Lowery presided in the Adult Criminal Courts Division at 26th and California. Judge Lowery was retained in his office by the voters of the nine counties of the First Judicial Circuit in 1986, 1992, 1998, and 2004. He retired after 26 years of service in 2006.

Judge Don Lowery's Position:

1. As a farmer and a resident in Coal Country, I will not support the "Cap and Trade" Bill that passed the U. S. House of Representatives.
2. I will read all bills in their entirety before I cast a vote on them.
3. I will consider the economic impact of every bill on all the citizens before I vote.
4. I will consider the constitutionality of every bill before I vote.
5. I will not change my position on a bill based on the media outlet or audience with whom I am speaking.
6. I view any public official that endorses a candidate endorses that candidate's position on the issues.

Mark Kirk Postition

1. Voted For TARP Bailout Funds in return for over $796000 in campaign contributions from the TARP banks and their Political Action Committees
2. Voted With Barbara Boxer to Ram Cap and Trade through the House HR 2454
3. Voted No On Energy Independence Drilling ANWAR HR 6515
5. Has not read all of the bills
6. Has not voted based upon Constitutional relevancy of these bills
7. Has voted to further his Career as a Politician by receiving $796000 in TARP recipients campaign funds
8. Mark Kirk voted for his Progressive Socialist impact of these bills (London School of Economics a Socialist Economic University)

It is clear that Judge Lowery represents the interests of Illinois, The US Constitution, the Values and Principles of our Founding Fathers. In Addition Judge Lowery has a degree in conservative economics not the radical socialist theory from the London School of Economics,the Alma Mater to anti capitalist Economic Terrorist George Soros. Mr Kirk has proven that he is susceptible to Big Lobby Interests and the interests of the People in Illinois or America.

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