Judas' "Kiss" of Betrayal of Jesus Was More Diabolical Than What Has Been Thought

Judas' father was a leper that Jesus healed, According to D. Paul Schulz in his new book "Joseph is Dead"
Jesus' Family Ministries

 Judas' "Kiss" was more diabolical than what has been thought, and his father played a pivotal role in the betrayal of Jesus according to a book released in paperback this week called "Joseph is Dead," authored by D. Paul Schulz, founder of Jesus' Family Ministries. Schulz believes Biblical Scholars over the centuries have bungled the family story of the Resurrection accounts and the dastardly betrayal of Jesus.

Schulz believes the original Gospel writers thought Jesus' betrayal was a critical fact for Christians to comprehend. Therefore they name Judas' father seven times and communicate an event that precedes Judas betrayal of Jesus in all four Gospels. Schulz says, "Matthew sets the story up by writing the Jewish leaders do not want to take Jesus during the feast, but afterward, they have plans to kill Him. Then there was dinner where a woman anoints Jesus, and Judas and his father are outraged that such an expensive ointment was used on Him and that he showed grace to a sinner."

 Judas' father was not only a Pharisee but also a leper. Schulz states, "Some deduction is needed in the interpretations since Judas father was a  former leper than we should understand who it was that healed him. That since John told us the Jewish leaders also want Lazarus dead we should understand they are antagonistic towards anyone Jesus healed. Since Simon was a Pharisee, he wanted to be accepted and not be known as a follower of Jesus." Schulz contends, "Simon knew of these plans and convinced  Judas to move against Jesus since He was going to be killed anyways Judas should profit from it.  Judas kissed Jesus as he brought soldiers against Him clinching the connection of Jesus conversation with his father when Jesus asked Simon why he didn't  greet him with a kiss." Schulz continues, saying, "Judas' Kiss shows pure spite, not some naive person who didn't know they were going to kill Jesus. He knew very well what the Jewish leader's plans were for Jesus and he thought to himself: You want a kiss Jesus - I will give you a kiss. Judas moved while he had the opportunity to profit and was induced by his father who also benefited by being a hero to the Pharisees."

Schulz believes many empowering lessons have been lost by not observing the roles particular people played in the Gospels, such as Judas father. The Gospel of John names Simon twice as Judas father, but  Bible Scholars refuse to believe the four accounts are the same episode. According to Schulz, they should pay attention to the number of occurrences Simon is named, seven which is a number highlighted for its importance throughout  Scriptures. Jesus Himself states the woman's action towards Him would be in all Gospels which is tied together with Jesus discourse with Judas Father. Over the centuries, Scholars get hung up one word or by not seeing the big picture that the Gospels complement each other by telling us the highlights from different perspectives. Schulz states the main reason for the confusion over the four accounts not being the same episode could easily be explained. The Scholars believe the Gospel of John is stating the event took place six days before the feast whereas Matthew writes two. That is their interpretation of what the writers are conveying, Schulz believes John could be telling us when Jesus arrived in Bethany not when the dinner took place, as in many instances in the Gospels writers rarely tell us the discourse of time on every event. Schulz believes Biblical context should take precedence over microscopic interpretations.

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D. Paul Shulz

Source: Jesus' Family Ministries

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