Journey... the Quest of the Soul by Judy Goodman

Possibly the clearest guide anywhere, to the workings of the spirit and physical worlds. Here are the answers to the profound questions from someone that is literally walking in the physical and spirit world everyday.
Journey... The Quest of the Soul by Judy Goodman

​​Have you every wondered about your place in the universe? How do I fit in, why am I here, and how do things work? Is there more to my life than what I am experiencing now?  Judy’s audiobook is over four hours long, and is filled with compiled knowledge that may be found in limited places.  No matter what your own journey is like, gaining this depth of knowledge might answer questions you didn’t know how to ask.  When you learn at this level, sometimes there is great peace, sometimes you will experience other doors opening up for you.  Some people have been moved to tears; some have found the information life changing.  What most people agree on is that Judy’s knowledge, and teachings, are beyond conventional wisdom!

Your life is a choice, and an opportunity to grow!  The knowledge you will gain will not be limited to your own life, but what comes after this journey has ended.  Judy Goodman, CPC, CSRC, CRC has been called one of the most gifted people addressing these questions.  Her work is without many of the limitations some others might experience.  While taking you on a life altering journey, you are sure to be charmed with Judy’s Southern accent, and the gentle hint of humor she can bring to soften such a compelling subject.  Her audiobook is now in over nine countries!

Once in a lifetime, a book comes along that changes everything. The wisdom contained within this book is thought provoking, life changing and insightful, which resonated at my core. Many times I paused the recording and cried, hearing the confirmations and truths that this book held for me. It left me with a greater sense of peace, clarity and understanding, which has profoundly impacted the way I view life, death and the Afterlife.

C. J., Celebrity Media Personality & Client

The 2015 Pinnacle Book Achievement Award winning audiobook,  JOURNEY... THE QUEST OF THE SOUL by Judy Goodman is "Possibly the clearest guide anywhere, to the workings of the spirit and physical worlds.  Here are the answers to the profound questions from someone that is literally walking in the physical and spirit world everyday.”

Judy brings a broad range of knowledge, presented with a gentle quality that captivates, and lifts each person individually. 

Her sense of compassion and understanding, coupled with a great sense of humor keeps the topics interesting and very informative at the same time.  Over four hours long...

Internationally recognized, Judy Goodman, CPC, CSRC, CRC may possibly be one of the most gifted teachers, and motivational speakers today.  Her access to the workings of the physical world and 'the other side' is absolutely amazing.  She works and teaches without the limits usually associated with the most talented.  A 'go-to person' for many people!  Born with a gift of seeing beyond the ordinary view of most people, Judy teaches 'beyond conventional wisdom.'  She may be without peer in her experience of the events and workings of the physical and spiritual realms. This extraordinary combination of gifts is very unique.

"...This is not a light or casual conversation, but one of great depth and scope. Lives have been changed here, some are moved to tears..."

"...With humility, clarity, and sincere respect for her listeners, Judy Goodman offers compelling answers for many of the mysteries perplexing all of us about life, death, relationships, religion, spirituality and God…"​​

Judy Goodman, CPC, CSRC, CRC

To purchase the audiobook visit:

For media inquires or to book Judy to speak to your group, please contact:

Marianne Pestana



Source: Marianne Pestana LLC

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