Joined Elements, Inc. Team Displays Customer Appreciation

Businesses' survival depends on numerous factors. They need funding to grow, and they require hard-working, knowledgeable teams. Most importantly, as the managers at Joined Elements, Inc. note, they require loyal, repeat customers.

“A business without customers is a closed business,” articulated Jeff, Joined Elements, Inc.’s director. “Yet so many company leaders fail to see the purpose in appreciating and nurturing their customers. Unfortunately, they only see buyers as revenue streams, until the wells dry up.”

At Joined Elements, Inc., superior customer service is the primary objective. “As an interactive marketing firm, we’re relating with customers on two levels,” Jeff explained. “First, we have the business whose brand we’re developing promotions for and who we represent at events. The second customer level is the consumer base we’re attracting for the brand. Customer appreciation isn’t just a part of our business – it is our foundation and number one core value.”

"A business without customers is a closed business,"

Jeff , Company Director

Jeff discussed how the first rule of customer service is to treat the customer with the utmost courtesy. “You have to be totally present,” he said. “By this, I mean you must actively listen to what they say, not just to formulate your response, but to truly understand what information they are imparting. Too often, people in advertising are listening for cues that support their objectives, which are to increase sales. While that might have a short-term gain, it won’t help you in the long run. Especially if customers realize the products or services were never meant for them. Impulse buys rarely lead to long-term customer loyalty.”

“Being present is more than just listening,” Jeff added. “It’s about giving 100% attention. No staring at your cell phone or laptop, especially when a customer is in front of you. I’ve walked out of stores where the clerk was more engaged in what was on the phone than assisting customers. At that moment, the person in front of you must be the most important individual in the world. If you treat them as such, they will have positive experiences.”

Joined Elements, Inc. Director Shares Customer Appreciation Tips

Jeff noted that once someone becomes a customer, the efforts should never end. “Allow me to employ an analogy. When you’re interested in dating someone, what happens once that person becomes your significant other? Do you stop trying to keep him or her happy? If you do, your relationship would probably be doomed,” he expressed. “This is the same with customers. You always have to woo them, especially those who have demonstrated loyalty to your company.”

As Jeff shared, there are a multitude of opportunities to impress repeat customers. “There are standard ways professionals recognize customers, such as reward cards or other perks,” Jeff said. “However those are still contingent on purchases and sales volume. Instead, do something nice without strings attached, like hosting a small reception for your loyal customers. Perhaps you can also write thank-you notes to express your gratitude.”

“Appreciation doesn’t have to be about expensive gestures,” Jeff concluded. “It’s about making sure your team recognizes the importance of customers to your business and that your buyers know how happy you are to serve them. Follow this course of action and you will sustain your customer base indefinitely.”

About Joined Elements, Inc.

Joined Elements, Inc. is a full-service provider of event-based marketing solutions that generate widespread, measurable returns in new markets. Using flawless research and analysis, the firms’ brand ambassadors expertly design and execute dynamic promotions that intrigue and compel target audiences, ultimately generating explosive returns. The company’s success in the advertising industry is attributed to its adherence to core values, as well as to an upbeat and empowering corporate culture. Furthermore, these achievements have paved the way for rapid growth, and the team now operates multiple offices throughout the nation. To learn more about the firm’s extensive services, please visit today.