Joined Elements, Inc. Hones Skills by Attending Conferences

Joined Elements, Inc.'s director outlined the benefits of attending industry conferences. He also offered his thoughts on the importance of networking and solid presentation skills.

The leaders at Joined Elements, Inc. develop their team of top performers through a range of methods. Team travel is one way they do so, and attending industry conferences brings with it a host of benefits. “When we venture out to a quarterly conference, I love watching our team members interact with other high achievers,” stated Jeff, the firm’s director. “There are so many valuable things they can take away from meeting professionals from across the country.”

"When we venture out to a quarterly conference, I love watching our team members interact with other high achievers,"

Jeff, Director

Networking is hugely important in today’s competitive market, as new contacts can lead to a world of unforeseen opportunities. Jeff said, “There’s no better setting for making new contacts than an industry conference. Every time we return from a meeting, our associates have a new list of connections with whom to stay in touch. Our firm continues to come upon incredible new business opportunities thanks to our team members’ networking efforts.”

The firm’s team members also sharpen their own abilities by conferring with peers at conferences. “When you have the chance to talk at length with other top performers, you gain real insight into their methods,” added the director. “Our people love to share tips and best practices with far-flung colleagues, and it really helps our productivity when we return to the office. They learn new methods and sharpen existing ones. Plus, they return to work with newfound confidence.”


Joined Elements, Inc.’s Director Discusses the Importance of Presentation Skills


Jeff believes in the value of being a good presenter for many reasons. As he put it, “I think it’s essential for marketing professionals to be able to make a strong case for their companies and for the brands they promote. It’s all about projecting confidence and being persuasive. If you have strong presentation skills, those attributes emerge very clearly.”

By attending industry conferences, the Joined Elements, Inc. team gets a chance to watch skilled presenters in their natural element. The director added, “We get to see influential leaders from our industry share compelling stories while they inspire people. It’s not often that you get such an up-close education in presentation techniques, thus it’s one of the main reasons I love attending conferences. Our associates get to learn tips on how to engage with people and how to get their messages across in memorable ways. That can only help their overall performance.”


About Joined Elements, Inc.

Joined Elements, Inc. is a full-service provider of event-based marketing solutions that generate widespread, measurable returns in new markets. Using flawless research and analysis, the firms’ brand ambassadors expertly design and execute dynamic promotions that intrigue and compel target audiences, ultimately generating explosive returns. The company’s success in the advertising industry is attributed to its adherence to core values, as well as to an upbeat and empowering corporate culture. Furthermore, these achievements have paved the way for rapid growth, and the team now operates multiple offices throughout the nation. To learn more about the firm’s extensive services, please visit today.