Joined Elements, Inc. Celebrates Holidays While Giving Back

The director at Joined Elements, Inc. discussed the importance of supporting the community while commemorating the holiday season. He also outlined a few benefits of giving back.

​Company leaders at Joined Elements, Inc. welcome the holiday season with open arms. They look forward to increased business and the many team social events they plan for their associates. “This time of year is always memorable,” stated Jeff, the director. “It’s a hectic few weeks, there’s no doubt about that. However, the holiday season also gives us plenty of chances to grow closer as a group and reflect on all we have accomplished over the past year.”

Jeff uses holiday celebrations to recognize the efforts of top performers. “Everyone is in a celebratory mood at our gatherings, and putting our high achievers in the spotlight only makes the occasion brighter,” he said. “I think having everyone in the same place is the ideal context for showcasing excellent performance. It motivates every member of the team to do even better.”

"Everyone is in a celebratory mood at our gatherings, and putting our high achievers in the spotlight only makes the occasion brighter,"

Jeff, Director

The director also sees the holiday season as the best time to give back to the communities that enable the firm’s ongoing success. He explained, “Our team supports a range of worthy causes throughout the year, but the holidays lend more significance to our efforts. There are so many people in need, and we at Joined Elements, Inc. are honored to help in any way we can. This year, we will be helping local organizations such as homeless shelters and donating to toy drives and other fundraisers. I expect our company to give back even more in 2016.”

Joined Elements, Inc.’s Director Discusses the Benefits of Giving Back

“When you support your community and provide real help to people who need it, there’s really no substitute for the rewarding feeling you get,” said the director. Research has also shown that giving back is good for people’s health. Jeff continued, “I think there are significant stress-relieving benefits of volunteering and helping those in need. Here at Joined Elements, Inc., we see a real difference in our team morale after we return from a giveback event. I believe the emotional high that comes from supporting the community is responsible for the elevated mood in our office.”

There are also commercial advantages to giving back. Jeff remarked, “Though it certainly isn’t the primary motivator for our philanthropic pursuits, there’s no question that they lead to good PR. We at Joined Elements, Inc. are proud to have our company name linked with social responsibility, and I think the people behind the brands we promote share in that sense of pride.”

About Joined Elements, Inc.

Joined Elements, Inc. is a full-service provider of event-based marketing solutions that generate widespread, measurable returns in new markets. Using flawless research and analysis, the firms’ brand ambassadors expertly design and execute dynamic promotions that intrigue and compel target audiences, ultimately generating explosive returns. The company’s success in the advertising industry is attributed to its adherence to core values, as well as to an upbeat and empowering corporate culture. Furthermore, these achievements have paved the way for rapid growth, and the team now operates multiple offices throughout the nation. To learn more about the firm’s extensive services, please visit today.