Jetset Charter Recommends Private Jet Charter For Your Pets

Private jet charter is the best alternative for those who want to fly with Fido or Fluffy. Charter is much safer for the animals, which gives the owners a chance to relax and enjoy spending time with their furry friends during the flight.

Jetset Charter has recently announced plans to undertake a massive media campaign to remind travelers (and pet owners) that private jet charter is the best way to guarantee a safe and happy flight for Fido and Fluffy.

"Commercial airlines have no respect for your pets," states company representative Eric Mickelson. "Small dogs and cats can ride in the airline cabin if they can fit in a crate under the seat, but larger dogs like Labs, Goldens, German Shepherds, etc. are shoved into crates in the cargo hold on the underbelly of the plane - exposed to the heat, the cold, etc." Mickelson is also quick to point out several well-publicized deaths of several dogs from overheating during flights on commercial airlines. "Would you want your dog down in a hot cargo hold with no air circulation and no water for hours at a time?"

Private jet charter, according to Mickelson, is the best alternative for those that want the best for their furry friends. Charter allows owner and pet the opportunity to fly together in the cabin - giving each the chance to comfort and console the other. Pets are allowed to roam the cabin of a private air charter freely, provided they are well-behaved, which make for a more relaxing experience for everyone involved. There is a substantial cost for private jet charter, and although this may discourage some, Mickelson is of the opinion that many pet owners will gladly pay the extra price in order to be assured that their pets are safe and happy.

Jetset Charter has access to over 6,000 private jets for charter, and has earned a reputation for being able to find a flight for any situation, and flying with pets is no exception. Those interested in learning more about pet travel are encouraged to log onto the Jetset website,