Jeannie Choi's New Book 'Schizo in Love' is an Informative Memoir Portraying the Ups and Downs in the Life of a Woman Diagnosed With a Brain Disorder

Fulton Books Author Jeannie Choi, a talented artist born to South Korean immigrants, has completed her most recent book "Schizo In Love": a gripping tale that recounts the love story of a woman named Jeannie. She believes a boyfriend will stop her from doing reckless things, so she searched for one. And she did find him, someone whom she thought her knight-in-shining-armor, the so-called 'man of her dreams'. Only to get her heart and hopes shattered in the end.

"In the Hawaiian Islands, on the island of Oahu, unbeknownst to a middle-aged woman named Jeannie, she found herself trafficked one night and drawn to the man who would continue to pick her up as she roamed the streets of Honolulu, wondering where she would sleep for the night. During the two months of several experiences and dropping in at her counselor's and receiving an injection for her schizoaffective disorder, she finally found an avenue to stop her mindless decisions. To have a boyfriend.

"He seemed different than the others to her. Therefore, she attempted to commit to him in living together, and this is where she wrote about her tolerances in loving him or trying to. She as well came up with poetry to describe more of what it was like to stay with him.

"She believed he would 'save' her life for the initial encounter in stepping up to him, although he was a stranger at first. This is her true story."

Published by Fulton Books, Jeannie Choi's book is a true-to-life read with an honest depiction of a relationship filled with red flags.

The author also included poems to perfectly convey the emotions she had while staying in that toxic relationship.

Readers who wish to experience this heart-wrenching work can purchase "Schizo In Love" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books