Javier Rodriguez's New Book 'Mi Patria Desconocida' Weaves a Riveting Story That Circles Around Blazing Passions

Fulton Books author Javier Rodriguez, a songwriter and servant of the Catholic Church, has completed his most recent book "Mi patria desconocida": a captivating narrative that looks into encounters of romance and friendship. Throughout intriguing revelations, it brings a tale full of surprises and a lot of love whilst exploring how each individual lives through.

Rodriguez writes, "Mi patria desconocida: it is a message of love, friendship; an adventure that has a lot of humor and fun, written in simple language. Enjoy it.

"Suddenly they were transported to a world of pleasure and they couldn't help it anymore, since they both wanted it, to consummate their love in a total surrender of two souls and two bodies that love each other. The exquisite rapture took them to an ecstasy of love, unknown, but pleasant for both.

"In Mary's face there was a beautiful and radiant color. Pedro caressed her as if wanting to stop time, that this sublime moment would stay there between them, forever and for an eternity.

"—No Javi, I have more than I need, money is not life. With the hug they gave me yesterday, it was enough for me to feel well paid, I assure you that I love you the same.

"'That's how Pachito speaks,' David said excitedly, 'friendship between men is what counts most in life.'

"Friendship has no creeds, limits, or nationalities, when a friendship is born it doesn't matter where you are from, what you believe, or what position you have, a sincere friendship doesn't care if you are rich or poor, it always lasts a lifetime."

Published by Fulton Books, Javier Rodriguez's profound novel is woven with a brilliant plot and surprising twists that will leave readers seeking for more. It is fused with passion, intrigue, and the intricacies of human relationships. This book is distributed in Spanish.

Readers who wish to experience this potent work can purchase "Mi patria desconocida" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books