Jan Sherman's New Book 'Brandon the BEE™: Bee Kind' is an Illustrated Story About a Bee's Journey to Finding Nectar to Save His Kind's Food Source

Jan Sherman, a children’s book lover and moderator at Be-in-couraged.com, has completed her most recent book “Brandon the BEE™: Bee Kind”: an enthralling children’s book about a bee who embarks on a quest to find nectar to rescue his species’ food supply along with helping his friends in need.

Jan writes, “Everything changed when Brandon the Bee’s food source disappeared. In his desperate quest to find nectar, he’s distracted by friends who hopelessly need his help.

Will Brandon the Bee continue on his journey to find nectar, or will he stop and be kind to others?

This moving and thoughtful story explores what kindness is and how it can make a difference in a child’s life.”

Published by Fulton Books, Jan Sherman’s book shows a bee’s dilemma of putting his mission for nectar first or coming to aid for his ailing peers who greatly need his help.

Follow Brandon the Bee as he juggles his life of seeking food and helping his friends that will surely teach valuable lessons to children about camaraderie, thoughtfulness, and hard work.

Readers who wish to experience this exquisite work can purchase “Brandon the BEE™: Bee Kind” at bookstores everywhere or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes and Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Gregory Reeves via email at gregory@fultonbooks.com or via telephone at 877-210-0816.

Source: Fulton Books