James C. Vincent's New Book "Back When and for Now" Is a Magnificently Illustrated Children's Story Centered Around a Sweet Baby Girl Named Rita

Newest publication "Back When and For Now" from Fulton Books author James C. Vincent is a tender children's story about baby Rita, who wakes up one morning to her babysitting grandparents, instead of her parents.

James C. Vincent, a retired art teacher with a masters in art education, has written and illustrated his most recent book “Back When and For Now”:  a delightful tale of the special relationship that grandparents have with their grandchildren.  

Published by Fulton Books, James C. Vincent’s book centers around baby Rita, who is very upset when she wakes up one morning and her parents are gone.  Her paternal grandparents, whom she rarely sees, are there to babysit. Her Nana and Papa are faced with the task of securing the baby’s trust and making her happy!

This lovely narrative, which is based on a true story, is just the thing for grandparents to read to their grandchildren to aid in building a long-lasting relationship. Mr. Vincent's richly detailed and realistic illustrations capture the true essence of the story.

Readers who wish to experience this poignant work can purchase “Back When And For Now” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes and Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Gregory Reeves via email at gregory@fultonbooks.com or via telephone at 877-210-0816.