Jack Uldrich: Innovating the World of Tomorrow by Mapping the Future

May 3: Global futurist Jack Uldrich will deliver his latest keynote speech, "The Big AHA: How to innovate into the World of Tomorrow" for GIS, inc., in Keystone, CO. The keynote will focus on mapping the future.

May 3: Today, global futurist and best-selling author Jack Uldrich will deliver his keynote, "The Big AHA: How to Innovate into the World of Tomorrow" for GIS Inc (Geographic Information Services), in Keystone, CO.

His talk will focus on how mapping will change in the near future. His aim is to deliver insights into the ever-changing world of technology.

The key to preparing for the unpredictable future lies in embracing the paradox of learning to unlearn.

Well known for his work based on the transformational principles of unlearning, as a strategy to survive and thrive in an era of unparalleled change, Uldrich travels the world speaking and leading workshops on change management.

Uldrich provides an in-depth exploration of how the "Internet of Things," 'Big Data," social media, robotics, biotechnology, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, renewable energy and "collaborative consumption" will change everyday life for everyone in the very near future.

So how can organizations prepare for the unpredictable? Uldrich says, "The answer may be surprising to many. The key is embracing paradox: learning to unlearn, thinking about the unthinkable. Recognizing failure as a stepping stone to success is also a crucial mindset organizations, and their leaders, need to adapt. In so doing, everyone gains an understanding that an awareness of one's ignorance is a key component of true wisdom. Especially when the leadership demonstrates it on a daily basis."

Following his keynote for GIS, Uldrich will deliver keynotes for Farm Credit Bank of Texas, the Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Association, and a private professional services network.

Parties interested in more information on Jack, his speaking, writing or research, are encouraged to view his website.


Source URL: http://prweb.com/releases/2016/05/prweb13384188.htm

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