J Scott Productions Presents "The Ozone" - A New One-Act Play Competition
Online, December 2, 2010 (Newswire.com) - J Scott Productions is now accepting submissions for their new one-act play competition to be held in the Spring of 2011. Scripts are due on December 31, 2010, and they can either be mailed or emailed to the following:
J Scott Productions
P.O. Box 8922
Fort Worth, TX 76124
- Comedy only
- Selection of 6 one-act plays from a pool of candidates
- Each one-act play is to be no longer than 20 minutes in length
- Scripts may contain up to four actors only
- Scripts must be family oriented/friendly
- Submit scripts to business mailing address postmarked by Decemeber 31, 2010
- Writers are responsible for their own casting/directing of scripts
- Grand Prize Winner to receive $1000 cash
Please visit www.jscottproduction.com or call 817-658-8751 for more information on how to participate.
This will be an event you do not want to miss!