IWHTA supports International Medical Tourism & Travel 2010

International Wellness and Healthcare Travel Association supports International Medical Tourism & Travel 2010, Singapore. The conference is held to promote medical tourism in Singapore.

Edison, USA, February 16, 2010 -International Wellness and Healthcare Travel Association (IWHTA) president Mr. Naresh Jadeja, an expert on medical tourism trends and patient's perspective is to address at a Singapore Health Ministry supported 'International Medical Tourism and Travel 2010' conference.

Experiencing the remarkable growth in Singapore Medical Travel industry, Marcus Evans is organizing a global conference "International Medical Tourism and Travel 2010" to be held on 1 - 2 March 2010, Marriott Hotel, Singapore. The conference will feature every detail necessary to better serve international patient's pool.

'International Medical Tourism & Travel 2010' will experience healthcare industry leaders & experts addressing the important core issues for growth in medical travel industry. Supported by Ministry of Health Singapore, big hospitals institutions, various medical association and medical tourism facilitators the event will focus on

1. Technology superiority advantage for medical tourism
2. Exposure to new emerging destinations for medical tourism
3. Collaborations and strategic partnerships with various parties

IWHTA is a supporting organization as well as the official media partner for this event. Mr. Naresh Jadeja, President of IWHTA will be addressing at the event on revising long term strategies to develop the medical tourism sector in Asia'.

"Asian countries are increasing their market share and finding new markets for medical travel Industry. With proper tools and branding it can truly become leader in this industry", said Mr. Naresh Jadeja. He added," networking opportunities like this can expand the opportunities for entire global healthcare travel industry and help the patients. If someone wants to enter Asian healthcare market then this is the event for them."

Asian destinations and medical facilities have evolved as key players in the fast growing market for global healthcare service with their post surgery outcomes being at par with USA.

"IWHTA looks forward to strengthen ties and intensify collaborative efforts with other healthcare related organizations to undertake a major industry renovation and ultimately advance the healthcare travel industry. This is the reason IWHTA is supporting this event and we believe that an international organization like ours along with the experienced professional and global presence can assist medical facilities, medical travel facilitators, tourism & healthcare department, employers and healthcare clusters develop an international presence to attract patients and to better serve them," said Mr. Naresh Jadeja.

International Wellness and Healthcare Travel Association is a USA based international non profit association promoting Medical Travel industry and offering great networking opportunity among industry leaders. IWHTA is promoting independent regional chapters and healthcare clusters and distributes a newsletter educating its members, subscribers and international patients about affordable yet quality health care treatment available at Accredited/ certified international medical facilities.

About International Wellness and Healthcare Travel Association

International Wellness and Healthcare Travel Association
113 Calvert Ave,
Edison, NJ
