iVote Co-founder Key Speaker at the European Day of Entrepreneurship Conference

The iVote co-founder and board member, prof. Goce Armenski, was invited as a key presenter at the opening ceremony of the conference "European Day of Entrepreneurship and SEEITA and MASIT Open Days".

The iVote co-founder and board member, prof. Goce Armenski, was invited as a key presenter at the opening ceremony of the conference "European Day of Entrepreneurship and SEEITA and MASIT Open Days" that took place on 29th of October at hotel Alexander Palace, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. The conference was organized by the European Business Association – EBA and The Macedonian ICT Chamber of Commerce MASIT, bringing the slogan “Think IT, Plan IT, Do IT”.

Representatives of the most relevant institutions in Macedonia including the Minister of Information Society and Administration, Delegation of EU, representatives of City of Skopje, representatives from EBA and MASIT, IT associations, representatives of the chambers of commerce, as well as of the SME sector, owners of companies and the universities.

iVote, as an innovative IT company was included in the European Commission “The Secret of Success 2014-15” brochure, highlights the economic and social value of ICT entrepreneurship through real case studies from the election industry. Election industry is of sensitive nature, dynamic in change of the electoral legislative, including stringent deadlines. The technology is developing and enhancing with a very fast pace, so it is of upmost importance to create corporate culture where employees are encouraged to embrace state of the art technologies and methodologies.

“It is a great honor to be invited to present at a conference of such rank, speaking about the future trends of the IT industry. iVote, with its work and development, showed that creating new values and trends is very challenging and responsible goal that also requires taking risks along the way in order to bring evolutionary invention” – said prof. Goce Armenski co-founder and board member of iVote.

At the conference, renowned experts were presenting the upcoming trends in the ICT industry with a special emphasis on: cloud computing, 4G, mobile technologies, creative industries, social innovation and IT quality standards.

