It's Time to Rethink Children's Picture Books. T. Thomas Seelig's New Book 'A House Called Holly' is Soon to Be a New Classic

Fulton Books author T. Thomas Seelig, has completed her most recent book "A House Called Holly". This is a beautiful picture book for all races and genders. Soon to be a new classic, this book encourages the love of this beautiful planet. After all, the ocean belongs to all of us. Let's rethink a picture book; yes, this one is for all ages as it helps start a conversation we all need to be having.

Seelig shares, "A House Called Holly is a delightful picture book with a great message about spreading kindness and its ripple effects. A crew of misfits joined together to clean up the entire floating garbage vortex in the Pacific Ocean. With enchanting illustrations, this book can help children to learn to care for this beautiful planet Earth. After all the ocean belongs to all of us. It's a charming book for all genders that has a great message for all.

"I wish to encourage the love of the arts, environment, and each other. Live your dream."

Published by Fulton Books, T. Thomas Seelig's book is an adorable read that teaches kids to care for the environment and offer kindness to animals inhabiting the seawaters.

This book reinforces the theme of environmental conservation. Buy one for a family member and donate one to your local library.  The time is now to love and care for this amazing planet Earth.

Readers who wish to experience this endearing work can purchase "A House Called Holly" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes & Noble.

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Source: Fulton Books