It's All About The Green On New Website
Online, October 19, 2010 ( - It's All About The Green On New Website
Martin Door will expand its promotion of going green, with the introduction of a new website, which focuses on green issues within the garage door industry.
The website will highlight key environmental concerns, and also address how Martin Garage Doors fit within a growing concept of green in the building and replacement market.
There is no garage door industry standard to define green, but Martin Door Manufacturing has been pro-active in trying to raise awareness about environmental issues, as well as educate consumers on other key issues involving energy use and garage doors. Company officials have often claimed that Martin Doors is "greener than green."
In 2008, Martin Door generated a special edition of "Martinews"---an in-house publication---to address some of those green concerns or initiatives. At the behest of Michael Martin, director of Advertising, MDM officials have also investigated the possibly of creating an Energy Star designation for garage doors. The government sets those standards and has not included a category for garage doors.
Martin says the website will be a key educational tool, for people in search of a green garage door. "It will explain our opinion of what constitutes a green garage door and help people make their own decisions about what is green," Martin said of the website.
Experts may not agree on all the parameters of being green, but it appears they are getting closer. A recent survey done of architects suggested the biggest single component of being green is the durability of a product. They also suggested there are some variables associated with being an environmentally friendly product. Those include, product durability, Energy Star compliance, life cycle assessment, no or low volatile organic compounds (VOCs), regional manufacture or fabrication, LEED certification, manufacturing energy reduction/water use practices, Green Seal certification, Green Guard certification, cradle to cradle certification, EcoLogo listing and the coating or primer used on products.