Israel and the Understanding Between the West and Tehran

The statements by the Americans, Europeans and Iranians officials about the negotiations between the five countries plus one and "Tehran" stating that white smoke may appear soon, as its strings began to take shape in "Geneva".

The statements by the Americans, Europeans and Iranians officials about the negotiations between the five countries plus one and "Tehran" stating that white smoke may appear soon, as its strings began to take shape in "Geneva", and that's what it seemed clear from the announcement of speaker for the White House" Jay Carney" about possibility of easing sanctions on Iran before reaching to "multilateral agreement" on its nuclear program, in addition to the confirmation of speaker of coordinated European senior Foreign and Security Policy Michael Mann "that the negotiations are difficult, but entered the phase of serious", expressing his hope to achieve specific progress in preparation for the start lifting sanctions.

And there is no doubt that the transfer of power and authority from "extremists" to "reformists" by the arrival of President "Hassan Rouhani" to Iran's presidency has played an important role in opening the doors which was closed for more than a decade. "The Negotiator which reaches its goals smoothly without compromising the legitimate rights", as Russian's experts like to name Rouhani, since this man tested negotiate with the Americans between 2003 and 2005, the only period that saw the Iranian nuclear file some breakthroughs on the political level.

Although that "Rouhani" was not able to achieve a settlement due to remove him from the post of chief Iranian negotiator on the pretext of taken decisions at the negotiating table without returning to the hawks "Revolutionary Guards", but according to the Russian Foreign Ministry, he had established certain foundations to launch a negotiation process seriously between his country and the West.

The signs of the beginning of the solution to the Iranian nuclear crisis has begun to appear since the arrival of Rouhani to the presidency of Iran, and this is represented in his first speech to reassure neighboring countries and declared that "the Iranian government would follow the approach of moderation in politics, but that does not mean submission and surrender, and his call to draw lessons from the former mistakes".

But the leniency shown by the United States and the European Union in the past two days toward the sanctions taken against Iran since the victory of the "Islamic Revolution" in 1979 did not come from a vacuum, as the indicators coming from Geneva show that Tehran expressed in turn a leniency in the negotiation process, specifically about the work of the international inspectors on its territory, According to the information that it had agreed to allow the international inspectors access to all nuclear facilities unrestricted, in order to final closure of this file.

Sources confirm that a general perception had been shaped in Tehran since the arrival of "Rouhani" to the power on the handling of its nuclear program crisis, and it has been succeeded in its negotiations recently with "the sextet" in achieving significant progress paves the way for a solution, and that after Iranians negotiators success to convince the West about the need to neutralize the nuclear file from the region files, and specifically for the Syrian war file, since the Iranian side does not comply on this matter only to pursue a moderate policy in the search for a peaceful way out of the war in Syria crisis.

The sources believe that despite the initial consensus in Geneva, there are still a few problems must be taken into account, including the Israeli stance toward Iran's nuclear which expressed explicitly by the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as progress in the negotiations as a "historic mistake, because what is submitted is not deemed a waiver".