iSmart Digital Corporation's 'iHotDisc' Holds Its Crowdfunding Campaign on Indiegogo

Portland, Oregon, April 18, 2016 ( - The world is set to experience the emergence of iHotDisc, an innovative product combining the power of technology and simplicity of a personal cooking apparatus to keep hot dining. No wonder the crowdfunding campaign is leaving no stone upturned in ensuring everyone gets a grip of this wonder in the electronic world. A call for action for crowdfunding campaign has been scheduled for the 18th of April, 2016 on Indiegogo.
According to Thomas L, the Crowdfunding Initiator, ‘iHotDisc makes cooking quick, easy and consistent no matter where you are. You can use the disc at home to ensure everyone’s food is cooked properly or on the go when you don’t know when you’ll get a meal cooked just like you like it. This portable electric hot plate offers reliable heating and takes up minimal cooking space. And the best feature of iHotDisc is the application that goes with the disc; it is all controlled by an application so you can see how your meal is cooking, its temperature and time left. You will never have to worry about an overcooked steak ever again. It is also perfect when you need an extra heat source for holiday cooking and entertaining, or simply use it to keep food warm at a buffet station’
Some other features of the iHotDisc include;
· Thermo Control for Disc Heat Up
· Temperature Monitoring
· Programmable Timer
· Mobile Apps Interfaces
· Social Network Sharing – iHotDisc Thermo Food Sharing
To get this item fully functional and accessible to all, about USD$300,000 is required. Hence, sponsorship, pledges, grants and donations are very much welcome. But meanwhile, perks are being offered to attract people’s participation in this laudable feat. Sharing the crowdfunding page on any social media around the globe to inform your parents, friends, colleagues and acquaintances will also go a long way in the publication of this electronic cooking ware. For those who do not like making donations over the Internet, contact via email is available. After which a mailing address will be provided where cheque or money order could be sent. To further encourage active involvement in this commendable scheme, the names of contributors would have the honor of gracing the wall.
From $5 to $3,000 everyone can participate. From an insider club to iHotDisc MVP List, iHotDisc T-Shirt with logo, iHotDisc Early Bird Special Disc and Early Bird’s Second Chance Special Disc, Project Advisor, Company Sponsorship and Sponsor an iHotDisc party. There is adequate provision for everyone to be part of the scheme to further develop, manufacture and produce more iHotDiscs.
About iHotDisc : iHotDisc, an initiative of iSmart Digital Corporation, a first of its kind in the provision of hot dining can also be connected with on its website;, on Facebook; and Twitter; iHotDisc provides the opportunity for easy cooking for the whole family, healthy eating and share-ability.
Source: iSmart Digital Corporation