Island Trader Vacations Air Complaints Reviewed

More and more often, Americans are filing complaints against airlines and airports for many reasons.

More and more often, Americans are filing complaints against airlines and airports for many reasons. Whether it is due to cutbacks, mergers or just bad business, the airlines throughout the U.S. are receiving complaints in regards to a number of issues of late according to the DOT. Thousands of complaints have been filed against the industry in 2012 alone, and it does not take a lot of imagination to guess which ones top the charts, as they tend to be the same ones we are all used to. Issues with reservations, flight delays, damaged bags and fees all top the charts. As complaints seem to be on the rise this year, it leads one to ask, are the airlines getting worse, or are American's just complaining more?

Common Flight Complaints

Flight Delays
Flight Cancellations
Mishandled Baggage
Complaints in regards to animal safety

If traveling by air, your rights are protected by the Aviation Consumer Protection and Enforcement Division, a smaller part of the U.S. Department of Transportation. Restraints, limitations and rules to protect all passengers and promote safety and security include many aspects of air travel including, truth in advertising(air fares), delayed and canceled flight reports, issues with overbooking, baggage claims, disabled passenger protection, frequent flyer programs and even tarmac delays. Travelers interested in learning more about these rights can find them listed on the Department of Transportation website.

As the airlines continue to add or subtract services including in flight wifi and those oh so memorable peanuts, what complaints will be coming next? People are already disappointed at the lack of amenities including snacks, leg room and more, it seems certain in a world where the customer is always right, for the complaints to rise as the number of passengers also continues to rise as well.