Is The Natural Law Of Selection Killing Offline Businesses That Are Not Online?

Offline businesses that have not elected to create an online presence are increasingly being outdistanced and out performed by competitors who have set up a website, announced the Manchester-based web design firm MCS. The agency

Offline businesses that have not elected to create an online presence are increasingly being outdistanced and out performed by competitors who have set up a website, announced the Manchester-based web design firm MCS. The agency reports need for business to incorporate the internet and SEO marketing into its advertising strategy has never been greater, given the growing online audience on the web, social media and handheld communications. MCS has boosted promotion of its own site to help consult more businesses in integrating their marketing goals, branding image and type of industry with a web portal.

MCS expects to deliver the best cheap web design Manchester businesses will need to make the conversion from offline-only to web enabled. Most companies are not aware how quickly a SEO (search engine optimized) site can accelerate the number of targeted inquiries a company receives from potential new customers. This is a strategic advantage that is leaving many non-internet based companies in the dustbin of history, says the MCS webmaster. "We optimise the key pages on your site for a fixed price. The optimisation work will cover all the core areas needed to ensure that your web page will rank highly on Google," notes the webmaster.

Even when an offline business is doing well, medium and long term projections are that companies with an online face are poised to eventually outpace the profits earned by non-internet ones, which will affect those companies' bottom line. Industry observers point out one should add to this the factors of social media, where communities may discuss topics related to the company, and handheld devices, which now consist of 'smart phones' that can browse the web. A business lacking a working website will not be able to reach these additional audiences, so in turn miss out on improving its visibility to the market, compared to competitors.

MCS advise they provide professional, direct web design and SEO services for those companies choosing to outsource a solution to their online needs. This consultation includes development of a modern site, SEO design, integrated with social media and handheld device access as needed. Providing such a unique and compelling online experience is becoming the new UMP of business. MCS and other observers of the web feel the offline firms that avoid the web at this point may be eliminated by a kind of 'natural selection,' so soundly designed sites will be having an increasing higher role in determining business success.


About MCS Web Design

MCS Web Design
71 Manchester Road, Tintwistle
SK13 1LJ
