Is the Ancient Japenese Self-Healing Technique an Answer to Stress, Physical and Emotional Well-Being?

In contradict to expensive Reiki training and courses including therapies, Mr. Owen Coleman has introduced the simple form of the original Reiki healing which can show its results in less than 48 hours, states the author of a website, after trying this Reiki method himself.

​Reiki, which is now rapidly being recognized for its amazing natural healing, was introduced to the west in the year 1927 by Mrs. Takata Sensei. Soon after, expensive training courses and therapy centers has dominated the pure and original form of Reiki which was actually quite easy to learn even for a common and ordinary individual.

“If it had not been for Mrs. Takata Sensei, Reiki today, would have been practiced very secretly by only a few people in Japan. However, after Reiki was introduced to the west, many coaching and therapy centers emerged up which eventually disassembled the simple and powerful techniques of Reiki for long term profits.” Says Mr. Siddarth, the author of the website,  which he dedicates to the beneficial effects of ‘Pure Reiki Mastery’.  

He adds, “Anyone can master Reiki and benefit from its amazing results. It is so  simple and easy to learn if one goes with the easy original technique. And the best part is that you don’t have to believe in it for it to work”.

On direction of Mr Siddarth, a parent from Germany decided to get the self-help Reiki Mastery course for their son who is in his early teens. When asked later, they said, “It has been a life changing benefit for us since we got the ‘Reiki Mastery’. We got the course for our son. He suffers from ADHD. Getting him to sit down and concentrate for a while had been an everyday struggle and we soon realized that Reiki might be the best gift we have given to our son. It will help him with his endurance, physical and emotional wellbeing in life. We have seen changes in him from a hyperactive and restless boy to a more peaceful, calm, creative and happy boy. He is more open and loves talking to us now”.

You can find the website at: .  The site has been dedicated to the experience and benefits of ‘Pure Reiki Mastery’ after Mr. Siddarth tried the system himself.

If you would like more information about this system or would like to schedule an interview with Mr. Siddarth, you can contact him via Skype. Id: Sidd.xgx