IQ4I Research Published a Report on "Drug Discovery Outsourcing (DDO) Global Market - Forecast to 2022"

This report analyzes and studies the major competition, market drivers & Opportunities, Restraints & Threats in Drug Discovery Outsourcing market spread across North America, Europe, APAC and RoW, through 182 slide.

This report provides comprehensive insights on the global drug discovery outsourcing market. The report covers all segments, global trends and emerging strategies of the outsourcing market related to drug discovery. Major Drug Discovery Outsourcing (DDO) players included in the report are Evotec, Charles River Laboratories (CRL), Pharmaceutical Product Development (PPD), WuxiApptec, ChemPartner, Syngene, Aurigene, Jubilant Biosys, Advinus, GVK Biosciences, TCG Lifesciences and AMRI.

This report caters to the need of Contract research organizations, Pharmaceutical/Biotech companies, Academic institutes, Individual researchers, Investors, Service providers and other associated stake holders to identify and analyze the potential of the DDO market. The report also provides insights on customer base, number of deals between CRO’s and Pharmaceutical /biotech firms, global FTE rates, employee strength & number of companies, revenue per employee of major players, therapeutic area gap analysis and successful research collaboration outcomes of selected CRO’s and Sponsors, which are likely to have an impact on the DDO market in the foreseeable future.

This report covers in-depth analysis of major players by therapeutic area of focus, capabilities, geographic presence, business models, financials, collaborations, acquisitions, various marketing strategies adopted along with insightful analysis on conferences, clusters and match making websites.

Market Analysis:

In the market analysis section, global drug discovery outsourcing market was indicated region wise. In house pipeline of some of the CRO’s along with their therapeutic area focus, target, mechanism of action and stage indicated.

·       In depth assessment of all segments and sub segments of Global Drug Discovery Outsourcing (DDO) market

·       Regional analysis of drug discovery outsourcing market

·       Market sizing based on molecule type (NCE’s and biologics)

·       Emerging trends and strategies with KOL opinions

·       In house pipeline of some of the CRO’s, Therapeutic area, Target, Mechanism of action and Development stage

CRO Business:

The CRO business section provides a deep insight on the various business models adopted by the DDO players to achieve better collaboration strategies with the global pharmaceutical/biotech companies.The global pharmaceutical/Biotech companies R&D expenditure and R&D intensity and the therapeutic area of focus of top 50 pharmaceuticals with respect to R&D expenses were also carried out.

·       Discussed various business models adopted by outsourcing companies to collaborate with global pharmaceutical/biotech partners

·       Changing CRO business models with recent examples, CRO Business evolutions, and certifications

·       Key performance indicators /metrics of discovery and development

·       Global Pharmaceuticals/Biotech key players R&D expenditure

·       Global Pharmaceuticals/Biotech key players R&D intensity

·       Top 50 pharmaceutical companies therapeutic area analysis

Competitor Analysis:

In this section, competitive analysis of key CRO’s was performed to analyze their Therapeutic area of focus where they are actively collaborating with global pharmaceuticals/biotech partners.

·       Global DDO key players TA Matrix

·       Global snapshot of DDO FTE rates by business segments (Chemistry and Biology)

·       Region wise DDO market Vs No of companies

·       Region wise DDO market Vs average FTE revenue & No of employees

·       Global DDO Key players FTE revenue analysis

·       Global DDO Key players customer base analysis

·       Global DDO Key players deal analysis (collaborations & Acquisitions)

·       Global DDO Key players Therapeutic Area analysis

·       Therapeutic area gap analysis

·       Major outcomes of successful research collaboration of Selected CRO’s with Major pharmaceutical/Biotech, with key details including (Compound structure, Target & Mechanism, Efficacy values, Publications- Patents/Journals)

Key Players Analysis:

The key player’s analysis was performed to identify their services & capabilities, TA focus, business models and region wise business operations. The financial chart for each player along with their drug discovery segment revenue and employee strength was provided after excluding manufacturing and clinical operations.

·       Global Key players overview

·       Global Key players services & capabilities

·       Global Key players therapeutic area of focus

·       Global Key players business models

·       Global Key players financials

·       Global Key players collaborations

Marketing strategies Analysis:

The marketing strategies section covers the various approaches outsourcing companies follow in order to get more visibility in the market and in turn to increase their sales and achieve competitive advantage over their peers. This section also covers the major drug discovery conferences that are going to take place globally in 2016.

·       Major conferences attended by key players during 2014 & 2015

·       Analysis to identify top conferences based on key players attendance

·       Analysis to identify top players based on number of conferences attended

·       Benefits of partnering with Match Making websites, Virtual pharmaceuticals, Online RFP & networking websites

·       Global Pharmaceutical/Biotech Cluster map

·       Other marketing strategies analysis (Company website rankings, LinkedIn followers & key word search volume)