Investment Grade Value Stock Index Whups Dow and S & P with an 84% stick--- the IGVSI rose over 63% from the March 2009 Market Bottom. Only Kiawah Golf Investment Seminars Teaches IGVSI Investing.
Online, March 3, 2010 ( - KIAWAH ISLAND, SC - From the stock market low on March 9th 2009, most investment portfolios have rebounded in market value. But none have benefited to the extent experienced by Market Cycle Investment Management (MCIM) program portfolios.
MCIM portfolios only hold individual Investment Grade Value Stocks, a select group of New York Stock Exchange companies whose shares have risen 63.1% in the twelve months since the great stock market meltdown reached its bottom. The Dow and S & P have risen 33% and 35%, respectively.
IGVSI equities are dividend paying, NYSE companies that are rated "investment grade" in the S & P monthly stock guide. Market Cycle Investment Management strategies encourage the purchase of these companies when they cycle downward and then, on the upswing, all reasonable profits are realized.
MCIM portfolios all contain an income asset allocation that is mostly populated by a diversified portfolio of managed Closed End Funds. Even these conservative income funds outperformed the DJIA and S & P 500 from the market melt down bottom to the present.
Kiawah Golf Investment Seminars is the only entity licensed to teach the Market Cycle Investment Management methodology.