Introducing Get Paid for Being Cool!

Cool or Uncool World is an online rating community that tells you whether you are Cool or Uncool. Based on users votes, you can get paid for your "coolness".

Have you ever wanted to get paid for being cool? Do you want the chance to meet other cool web users in a place that allows you to rate profiles, interact with members, and visit a "What's Hot" section to learn more about the hottest topics and trends going on in the world.

Cool or Uncool World is the first site that allows users to rate each member as being cool, or uncool! The more "cool" votes you receive, the more you get paid for being cool. This free service will give you micro-payments each time someone chooses you as being cool.

Cool or Uncool World allows you to rate other members, meet and message other members, build your own profile, and start interacting with other users from all over the world on the Cool or Uncool site.

You will have the chance to view top-rated members that are viewed by our online community as being the coolest users on the web!

You can meet "really cool" people on CUW!

When you've found someone on the CUW website who is "really cool" and you just have to meet them, CUW gives you that chance with a few quick steps:

* Create an account.
* If you already have an account, just click "Meet Me."
* Pay a small $5.00 fee to meet that "really cool" person.

Visit Cool or Uncool World today at and start rating other members!

About Cool or Uncool World

Cool or Uncool World
5455 56th St
San Diego, CA
