Internet Solution Source Addresses Social Media Concerns

Facebook's recent IPO drop has caused concern among many analysts on whether social media will remain viable. Internet Solution Source explains that despite recent incidents, users are still highly involved with social networking.

In response to the recent scenario of Facebook's IPO, a recent article from The Huffington Post asks the question, "Is Social Media Dying?" The article quickly answers itself by stating "the answer is 'no,' it's only a bump in the road, although a big one, because social media is far more than just Facebook." Social media has a wide scope of involvement that includes consumers, online users, businesses and technology. For Internet Solution Source, social media is a major factor of online marketing; social networks build a strong framework for businesses to genuine interact with and promote to new consumers that were previously unreachable. For small businesses, these advantages are even greater due to the low-cost of many online marketing initiatives.

Internet Solution Source specializes in affiliate marketing, having designed an effective program that has helped many individuals, such as students or stay-at-home moms, supplement their income. Its users do not have to worry about manufacturing or shipping the products they sell, they simply have to focus on driving more traffic through their affiliate network. Although the affiliate marketing program provides valuable resources to make the experience more convenient, many have found that reaching consumers can prove to be an initial challenge. Internet Solution Source responds by encouraging its users to adopt a diversified approach to online marketing that includes using social networks to promote products.

In response to the recent Facebook dilemma, Internet Solution Source explains in a recent press statement, "Affiliate marketers should not be wary of the social media space collapsing; it is strong and consumers can always be reached through these platforms. In addition to Facebook, affiliate marketers can stay engaged on Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube or through blogs. The great thing about affiliate marketing is that a user earns money by being social and forming their own marketing strategies."

According to the article, Facebook is currently transitioning as an innovator to a business that is developing a marketing/advertising platform. It notes that until results are proven from these new strategies, many may doubt its ability to market. Internet Solution Source explains that while Facebook may be transitioning in its business approach, affiliate marketers are still able to form relationships with consumers through the social network.


Internet Solution Source, Inc. is the creator of an affiliate marketing program available to online users looking to supplement their income. Stay-at-home moms, college students, and retirees are all examples of members who benefit from establishing their own customized affiliate store through the user-friendly resources that Internet Solution Source provides. While the company maintains a focus on solid customer support and convenient solutions, users appreciate the professional independence Internet Solution Source allows for, as well as their high standards of client service.