Internet Reputation Management Service

Reputation Champ is an Internet reputation management company who are experts at repairing, monitoring, and building your online reputation.

Chances are that you do not care much for reputation management. Every business needs to focus on their online reputation because whether they are aware of it or not, it is likely that they already have a reputation online. One of the first ways to starting monitoring your Internet reputation is by using Reputation Champ's easy to use social media tracking dashboard. Monitor social media sites, blogs, new sites, forums, message boards, Google+, Twitter, and more!

For more information on how to manage your online reputation please contact us.

Consumers are increasingly going to their Facebook account or another popular social networking site like Twitter to share their feelings about a business. Or perhaps they could choose to go to an industry website to express their anger and disappointment. The important thing to remember is that if something is posted online it is usually permanent and cannot be deleted. Just try and imagine for a moment the kind of damage that can be instantly visited on your business and its' reputation by one single unhappy customer.

What shoes up on major search engines when someone searches for your business? Start by doing a search on Google using your business name. Bear in mind that what you see is what hundreds or even thousands of potential customers see. If your business has brands and products you will need to repeat the process with each and every one of them. One particularly important keyword phrase you need to use is the name of your product followed by the word "review". Increasingly before people make purchases they will often want to see what the experiences of others with the product has been. And so they will type the name of the product followed by the word review and what will happen is that all the experiences good and bad will pop up in the search results.

There is no way that you can stop anybody out there from writing a bad review about your product. Even your competitors could easily and anonymously post a nasty comment. The only defense you have is to be proactive and start building your reputation online. Encourage customers to post feedback about your business on online reviews websites and make sure to take to time to respond to these comments whether they are good or bad.

For more information on review monitoring please contact us.

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About Reputation Champ

Reputation Champ
PO Box 416312
Miami Beach, FL
